Anomaly bug cost me a game

Playing mech pally in wild. Anomaly is Opportunity Knocks: The first card drawn on a player’s turn is one they can afford to play.

T3: I play Seafloor Savior, choosing Goldwing. Magnetise with skaterbot and attack.

Opponent controls Southsea Deckhand, and plays Cutlass Courier (2/5)

I think “Turn 4, I’m about to draw a 4 mana 5/7 with rush and windfury which will take care of those” :smiley:

Then he summoned a Filletfighter, but that’s not important.

T4: I draw… X-21 repairbot? WTF??

Its turn 4. I had 4 mana. I’d just dredged a 4 mana card to the top of my deck.
I can afford to play a 4 mana card with 4 mana.

But the anomaly doesn’t agree, and I draw something completely different.
That threw me right off. I probably made some bad decisions after that, and lost.

I’m currently at Diamond 4, trying to reach legend. No star multiplier, so every game really counts.

dont understnad was repairbot cost 5 mana or more for some reason?

No. Repairbot is its normal 1 mana, so it can be drawn. However, the point isn’t that I drew Repairbot, its that I didn’t draw Goldwing, which was on the top of my deck, and with 4 mana, I could afford to play it.

I’m assuming that the anomaly works like this:

Check player’s mana. (4)
Check mana cost of top card (4).
Can that card be played this turn???
If yes, draw it. If no, draw something else.

If Goldwing had been 5 mana, then I should have drawn “something else” that cost 4 or less, and drawing Repairbot would have been fine. But Goldwing costs 4.

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how many times did you dredge ? do you remember the cards?

i couldnt test it yet but maybe the anomaly shuffles the deck each time it searches for that first draw

Its all in the replay. I only dredged once, and you can see the 3 cards I was offered.

That’s how it looks to me. But the description of the anomaly doesn’t say anything about shuffling the deck every turn before checking if the top card can be drawn.


The game just groups all the cards you can afford at said turn and deals you one at random. The order in which your deck is doesn’t matter.

It’s not a bug.


T3: Seafloor Savoir places Goldwing on top of the deck.
T4: Draw Repairbot
T5: Draw Drone Deconstuctor
T6: Draw Invent-o-Matic
T7: Draw Galvaniser
T8: Draw Noble Minibot

What happened to my buffed Goldwing? I can only conclude that the anomaly shuffled the deck before checking. The description says nothing about shuffling.

Is that “working as intended?”

What’s to be understood is that the anomaly draws randomly from your deck just like any targetted draw.
If you dredge a minion then play a card that reads “draw a minion”, it can absolutely draw any minion from your deck, not necessarily the one you just put on top.
Not cool to learn it the hard way, but not a bug and working consistantly with the rest of the game for now.

Your deck didn’t god shuffled, if you drew an extra card on your turn it would have been the one you dredged for.

Neither does it say that it checks the top card before dealing you one. But you made that assumption.

T3: Seafloor Savoir places Goldwing on top of the deck.
T4: Draw Repairbot
T5: Draw Drone Deconstuctor
T6: Draw Invent-o-Matic
T7: Draw Galvaniser
T8: Draw Noble Minibot

What happened to my buffed Goldwing? I can only conclude that the anomaly shuffled the deck before checking. The description says nothing about shuffling.

Is that “working as intended?”

Where else would it draw a card from?

Nothing, it stayed where you dredged it

That conclusion is incorrect

Because it doesn’t

Just like any other targeted draw of the game, try it and you’ll see it

I definitely think it should have checked for the top of the deck since deck sorting is a thing. But it doesn’t and never had in any previous interaction of that kind so yes I assume it is intended even if it’s not what we’d want.

I can only speculate here, since we both don’t know for sure. But based on your ‘bug’ it’s very likely that it just isn’t programmed the way you think it is, where it would check the top card and act accordingly.

Therefore, it would make sense that it would be in a different type of way, such as grouping all the cards that you can afford and dealing you one at random regardless of the order of your deck.

No it didn’t. I’ll post this again…

I didn’t draw Goldwing at all.

You always drew from the anomaly, not from additional draws
The anomaly draws a card at random from what is elligible to be played, not necessarily from top to bottom.
If you made a single extra draw during a turn you would have drawn the card you put on top

That’s literaly what we are telling you.

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Let me add to this, that OP’s logic of the game checking your top card is unreasonable.

If the game checked your top card and it wasn’t a card you could afford to play, it would be forced to shuffle the whole deck to put the unfordable card back in the deck. It would force an interaction that need not happen if it just deals you one you can afford at random. (regardless of the order of the deck)

Nah the game could be smarter than that.
Just checking from top to bottom what’s the first card that check the condition of the draw and put it on top.
That’s what I think the primary way you’d expect this to work.

It’s not about being smart, it’s about being correct.

If it would check the top card and it would be an 8 Mana card while you have 4 Mana, it would need to put the card back in the deck to see the next one and so on, therefore forcing a reshuffle.

OK, I get that now. So this anomaly effectively negates dredge, unless you can draw a card by a card effect, rather than from your start of turn draw.

So with the draw options in my deck (Radar Detector, Leviathan), in order to get a previously dredged card, I would have to Summon Leviathan, and attack with the tail first.

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If you were playing a real card game with no set rules and play a “draw a minion card”, you’d ask a third party to take your deck and give you the first minion they find in your deck. And they’d be most likely to search from bottom to top actually as it would be the easiest way to see the cards, but they wouldn’t pick one in the middle of the deck.

Why would you put in in the back ? what would it change for that card to stay on top ?
1st card is 8 mana ? Skip
2nd card is 5 mana ? Skip
3rd card is 4 mana ? Put it on top

1st card is 8 mana ? Skip
2nd card is 5 mana ? Put it on top

And so on. And if you don’t have 6 or lower mana cards in your deck for turn 6 you draw that 8 cost. If you have eligible cards for 6 and 7 you’d just draw the 8 mana one on turn 8.

Yes precisely. That or any other card that can draw you cards.

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Not necessarily…

That is the way I assumed it would work. This is because it uses the word “DRAW”. Cards are ALWAYS drawn from the top of the deck (if possible).

When an effect says “draw a card”, it draws the TOP card.

When it says “draw a minion” I would assume that it would check each card, starting at the top, and draw the FIRST minion it finds. Otherwise, it would say draw a RANDOM minion from the deck.

The anomaly may be working as “intended”, but it is NOT working as described.

It says:
Opportunity Knocks : The first card drawn on a player’s turn is one they can afford to play.

But it actually means:
Opportunity Knocks : At the start of your turn, ADD a RANDOM minion from your deck to your hand, that you can afford to play that turn.

“Draw a card” ALWAYS means draw from the TOP of the deck. It is therefore logical to assume that DRAW a specific card, means draw the first card in the deck that satisfies that criteria.

Logical, but apparently wrong…