Anomaly bug cost me a game

Bug wise, there’s nothing. Works as intended.
Logic wise, debatable. I too think it should work the same way as a natural draw, from top to bottom, but that’s not what we have

When you put a card on the deck at random, the deck needs to be shuffled. That’s the reason that Plagues shuffle the deck when they get added. That’s my thought process.

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The way the anomaly works is not the same as the “Clockwork Card Dealer” Tavern Brawl. It will draw (at random) any card with cost equal to or less than your max mana, and does not care about ordering effects like dredging. This is not a bug, but was intended, though how it works was not explained much in the anomaly.

Except you don’t put the card in the deck at RANDOM. You put it back exactly where you found it and check the next card.

This is an assumption.

Its NOT the same?

The only difference I can see is that the criteria for a card to be drawable is different. On turn 4 (for example), the card drawn must cost exactly 4 mana instead of 4 or less.

Apart from that, surely its the same. The game “draws” a card that fits the criteria.

So if this had happened in the CCD brawl…
T3: Seafloor Savior dredges Goldwing (4 mana)

What would I draw turn 4?


Its not an assumption, its a method of resolving the effect that does NOT require the deck to be shuffled, AND is consistent with the idea that a card is always drawn from the top of the deck, if possible.

The anomaly description says the card is DRAWN, not randomly plucked from anywhere in the deck.

The only thing I’m assuming is that when a card is DRAWN, it is drawn from the top of the deck (if possible). It was turn 4, and the top card was 4 mana, so it met the criteria to be drawn.

If the card did not meet that criteria, then the game would have had to either:
1 - skip that card and check the next (which seems logical) OR
2 - shuffle the deck and check the new top card (which introduces an unnecessary shuffle)

But in this case, the top card DID meet the criteria, so logically, it should have been drawn.

OK. I think I understand at last.

My mistake was that I didn’t assume that the card would be drawn “AT RANDOM”, and instead, I assumed it would be drawn from the top of the deck when that is possible.

Because that is entirely consistent with cards being drawn “at random”, and not from the top of the deck.

Because, when a card is drawn, “The order in which your deck is doesn’t matter.”

Sounds legit… :confused:

Are they?

If I play a card that says “Draw a minion”, I believe that will pick a random minion from anywhere in my deck. Not just the topmost minion.

That’s what happens, but its not logical.

When you “draw a card”, the card is drawn is the topmost card in the deck. ALWAYS. “Draw” a card does NOT mean “draw a random card”.

I was drawing a card (not even from a card effect) but at the start of my turn. I can understand that if it is not possible to draw the top card, the game would need to use some algoritm or other to decide which card to “draw”, but in this case, it was possible to draw the top card. So why didn’t it do so?

The problem could have been avoided by a better description of the anomaly.

This is what it says:
Opportunity Knocks: The first card drawn on a player’s turn is one they can afford to play.

This is what it does:
Opportunity Knocks. At the start of your turn, instead of drawing a card, add a card from your deck to your hand that you can afford to play.

TBH, there are other cards that “draw” specified cards from your deck. I had always thought that these would select the topmost card(s) which meet the criteria, but until now, I had not noticed if that actually happened or not, because I wasn’t expecting (and counting on) drawing a specific card I had just dredged to the top of my deck.

So, cards like Chorus Riff (for example) would “draw” the topmost card(s) which meet the criteria (a minion in this case), rather than “draw” a randomly placed card instead.

Of course, there are a lot of cards, (including Chorus Riff), that would need to be re-worded something like this:

“add a [specified card] from your deck to your hand”

OK, that’s a lot of words when one would do. But that’s why the game uses keywords. But even though it is not recognised as such, “draw” is a keyword. If that is what the card effect intends to do, then another keyword may be required.

“add a card” does not use the word “draw”, so it does not imply the topmost card(s) will be selected.

BTW, “Draw” is not considered a keyword, presumably because we all know what it means… except when it means something else. The fact is that “draw” does not have a definition, so it can mean different things. But as I understand it, “draw” does NOT do anything RANDOM. And if it does, that must be clarified.

So, I would define DRAW to mean: Add the topmost card from your deck to your hand, which satisfies any requirements stated.

Note that the word “random” is not used in my definition. If we’re going to start adding random cards to hand, we need a different definition of draw, OR another keyword.

Of course, I’m not suggesting we use another keyword. I’m suggesting that the word “draw” is defined using the word “topmost” and NOT the word “random”.