Anomalies Return to Standard and Wild, Starting Today!

At first I was not so happy about Anomalies back, but realized they are not so bad and can be used as an advantage if you can handle them properly. So I had some fun with them and managed to reach D5 in 5 days… I can’t ask for more since not playing and OP meta deck and giving ideas to plan my new deck after the expansion comes out. I also tried Chogall but 2 Anomalies together might be just too much to plan with it.

Game used to have 100 million players or something…

Whats it now B O R E A S… in the thousands?

haha ur game sucks

Stop at D5 for days due to the idiot anomalies.

It is already not easy to climb in current environment. The anomalies destroy the whole experience.

It’s not fun. if you really like, please make an independent mode for it.

Really hate the game matching now.

Who cares…
Bring back Duels updated, and I might install and play again.

Here I was saying:

See also the full post for my thoughts about the whole recent situation.

Well, and here comes this update:

Update: It’s been a week so the Anomalies have been disabled once again.

It’s about time!