Anomalies, more lucky garbage

No everyone can get legend, even myself. Its all about time played

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Anomaly: The first minion played on each turn costs 1 less.

Player 1 has a no minion mage deck in wild. Player 1 loses to Player 2’s murloc shaman.

Player 1 needs to adapt because clearly free murlocs is a skill issue to be overcome.

Seriously, these things are dumb, they are not skill testing, and the don’t belong in standard ladder.

If I wanted to play Marvel Snap, I would still play it.

And Rich players buy more cards? Do you even have a point?

Seems like you’re just here stroking your own ego. It’s okay to go outside and touch the grass sometimes, too. It won’t hurt you.

There’s no right answer here, though, because we are talking about people’s preferences. Some like rng bull some don’t. Both are correct.

The problem is that they stuck unprecedented random bull in a mode that didn’t start with it, didn’t ask for it, and doesn’t need it. They literally stuck it in every constructed mode - you can’t even play casual if you don’t like it!

That is the problem, and that’s not okay.



They kinda messed up in not creating annomaly free zones.
Probably because it’s the first time they run that type of event.

If they gonna run that type of event in ranked more often they should let casual free of it.
And vice-versa.


You know exactly what i meant, get you tin foil hat off.

Anyway, i’m way past the age about whine and pouting about a video game. Don’t like it, take a break.

Game has a wide audience, and some have been asking for more in-game event like this one.

You get 51 weeks in a year of pure hardcore hearthstone exactly the way you like, is it that bad to have just a 1 week event?

Hell, it’s not like they do this stuff like anomalies every year either.

Thank you.

I respect you for posting that and admitting that the complaint is valid.

The event is fine, but it isn’t for everyone… but everyone has no choice but to be a part of it or don’t play.

No, I really didn’t.

All I got was that you’re extremely full of yourself and like to talk down to people, especially when they don’t share your preferences.

Alternatively, that if you don’t have an issue with it, no one else should either.

Both are bad looks.

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Don’t go making claims like this one, when you have no proof. Go find me a person saying that they want an in-game event that completely randomizes the Standard Ladder.

The fact that there are people that ask for an in-game event in general doesn’t mean that they asked for this one in particular (or this type), so your claim is false.

Yeah good, and they shouldn’t. Is that your point, the fact that there wasn’t a clown fiesta event ‘every year’, therefore there should be one?


They decided long ago that this game was going to be a clown fiesta and not some mental exercise for galaxy brains. Anomalies are just the newest flavor of the month in this clown show. That’s why you have streamers leaving in droves looking for something else that isn’t Hearthstone they know it’s never going to get better and they need to look for something else if they want to continue to grow. People have wanted less clown and feel like their decisions matter instead we got the opposite and that isn’t going to change. If they wanted to change the game to be more serious and strategic it would have happened already. Instead they just make the game more clown with each expansion.

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Crank the rng to eleven, it is what it is


Anomaly: The first SPELL played costs 1 less. No minion mage beats murloc shaman.

So long as there are plenty of anomalies, every deck should have some highrolls and lowrolls, and a “good” player will be adaptable enough to work with the extra layer of RNG.

Of course, we don’t want games to be decided solely by an anomaly. However, we already have games decided by the familiar scissors/paper/stone of aggro/combo/control (especially in wild), or simply who draws the best opening hand.

TBH, more randomness should help create a more level playing field more often than it creates one-sided games. If scissors is up against paper, then any RNG that gives scissors an advantage is meaningless, because scissors was going to win anyway. But if the RNG allows paper to fight back, then maybe a one-sided matchup will SOMETIMES be less one-sided.

However, I do think its a gimmick, especially in standard format. Because standard format is better balanced than wild, the anomalies will probably have more of a negative effect there.

Anyhoo, lets see how it goes for now. I don’t think it will be around for very long.

What? 20 characters1

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The responses in this thread are why the competitive spirit of this game is done. It wont get better. The consumer base determines the quality of the product.

Because ageism the other way is so much better!

The very deck meta they created this expac.

Because it’s always a good thing the creator of a product are out of touch. Kodak and most print media said hi when they ignored the coming digital switch.

Spot on.


There have been zero threads that I have seen saying “MORE RNG PLEASE!” 100% THE OPPOSITE. But in typical dev fashion, they decided to ignore the playerbase, and push their “vision” to the detriment of the game and the players.

It didn’t work for wow (pretty much killed the game they spent years driving away the playerbase from wod to now), and it won’t work here.

“Game’s the best it’s been in 5 years!” is the new propaganda line I’m starting to see…except five years ago they weren’t having to hide the mass exodus of players with actiblizz bots.

Sadly, this.

Read the patch notes: next expac.

And I’m done reading anything you have to say. Just say it’s fun and that’s a good enough reason, don’t try and delude yourself into thinking randomness makes things more skill based LMAO

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I logged on to do the daily quest and the anomaly that definitely determined the match was “both players cards are gold”. I didn’t know how I managed getting through that match with my opponent’s cards being gold but in the end, I managed to secure the win… /s lol

The amount of “random” effects is insane, indeed.
It’s much easier to rig the games, rig the outcomes, force wins and losses when “random” effects determine what happens.

My favourite card is currently Prison of Yogg-Saron…

I lost my last game against a warlock just because he got 2 more Symphony of Sins (!) from Prison, Movement of Envy both times, of course. Obviously “randomly”. 18 cards were burned.

And I won another game just because Prison did 12 face damage in one turn (!) and killed my opponent for me.

And it’s not just Prison. There are many other cards…
It’s not possible to play around this rigged trash.

You idiots and your ‘adaptability’.

Even if you adapt as you say, that doesn’t change the fact that you suddenly are more unfavorable to win because of RNG.

Yes, you can adapt, but you can be 10% more likely to lose because of a random anomaly or 10% more likely to win. It’s a bad way of playing the game, especially in Ranked.


Agree with the post above.

Imagine if CS:GO would each match would be a chance for the spray pattern skew to in another direction. or if LOL would have a chance to damage or heal you whenever you cast a spell.

no matter what game, people don’t like that crap. some do, kids mainly.

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Why should they have to?

Telling someone that their discomfort won’t last so just relax and it will be over soon is pretty straight up awful. I can’t draw a parallel to what that sounds like without risking sanctions, but it’s totally what people engaged in a specific crime against an acquaintance would say.

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The main thing that annoys me about anomalies are the ones that change hero powers. There are some decks (unholy DK, for example) that you lose a huge amount of deck power before the game even starts if one of those anomalies trigger.

Shadow Priest really doesn’t want to see this one or the Genn/Baku ones.