Announcing Whizbang’s Workshop, Hearthstone’s Next Expansion!

Announcing Whizbang’s Workshop, Hearthstone’s Next Expansion!

The toybox is teeming in Hearthstone’s newest expansion!

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Sooooo you have a Test Lead finally? Good! Very good! I hope things will be tested out properly from now on and won’t create so many unfair mechanics… Because it was obvious you didn’t test anything before release for a long time now… otherwise you coud relize a lot of bad cards before release them… Maybe we still have some hope left…

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You have no hope the year 2024 will be like 2023 with stupid aggro decks > control decks.

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And going closer to full p2w with the “buy the bundle to play the card first” move.


Yes, their business method is akin to a scam and scandalous (and he doesn’t hide it), he already had the rigged match system.


Yeah, maybe you are right… It is a pathetic way to make ppl buy prepurchase because they will be able to use cards before release that way… Eventually… I will stop playing too this year instead, if things will go on like this. Never prepurchased however I could afford… but the game is not worth the ingame gold for a long time now… not real money… They need to work hard for my money if they want to get it. I supported the game only 2 times by money and already regretted it 1000 times because these developers always proves their complete incompetence and making the game worse and worse by every expansion for a long time now. I always ask from myself, how can these guys make this game even worse than it was before… And they always manage to do that… that is the biggest problem. This is the last chance of the game for me… If they won’t make some balance… I will give up too… I had enough and this nonsense balance does not worth my time anymore.


Theme is cool. Where is my Solo Adventure? We need to know more about Whizbang!


How do you release these legendary TRASH?! Who is going to buy this collection on pre-sale?? But what legendary paladin’s rubbish?!

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In simple terms : “Our last expansion broke the game and players left in droves, so we’re desperate for $$$$ soooo new expansion!!! Pleeeeeeeeeeease buy or Microsoft will fire more of us! :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:

:laughing::laughing::laughing: good riddance.

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