Announcing Murder at Castle Nathria, Hearthstone’s Next Expansion!

I’ve had that card played against me a dozen times and out of all that I only lost 2 total cards… what are you talking about??

Ubisoft is better than you :woozy_face:


Please add more beast cards

When did he ever say that? I can’t find the quote anywhere.

I’m assuming he said it on his stream because I saw the clip on the YouTube channel: Daily Hearthstone Funny Moments… a while back… within the past year tho I do believe.

I am really excited for this expansion, blizzard you guys stepped up the HS game hardcore! love the revendreth theme as well! #Venthyr. Also the new hero’s on the store for standard are awesome as well!!! thanks :slight_smile:

There are cards that can not be crafted, how the hell can I get them?