Anniversary Event Speculation

What are we going to get for the 10 year anniversary of Hearthstone?

My current speculation is an in game event and maybe some cosmetic for logging in?

Any other thoughts on what we may get?

they will probably give the 3 signature nonlegendaries from Badlands that they haven’t yet, Kobold Miner, Walking Mountain and umm let me look it up… oh, Howdyfin.

Can’t wait for that Howdyfin. Love terrible cards getting signature versions.

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I’ll bet on the Monk class, 11 is such a weird number. I think the shaman HP will be changed to something like Reno’s (summon a taunt totem, for example).

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What it is, it will most likely be a day late a gold (or several) short, buggy and seriously underwhelming.

That is, if they remember to do it, considering they forgot the titans event signatures and wound up dumping them in winter veil, which short changed anything new we might have received from that event.

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I would be shocked by this! We just got a new class!!

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