Anime themed cards

Well in that case there’s a ton of anime that doesn’t do that 🤷

yes please. i will buy anime theme cards.

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I have a hard time watching anime because the backgrounds are usually CGI and they don’t match the 2D characters.

What I do enjoy are older anime where everything is in 2D, I like City Hunter.

I also don’t mind 3D animation from Pixar or something, because the whole scene is in 3D you see. It’s not a mix like anime.

It would be cool if there was like, an alt art skin you could throw onto all the cards. I’d use the anime version for sure.

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I don’t think women in anime are hypersexualized.

There’s really nothing sexy about anime where the guy collects his harem of shy girls throughout the anime. Or where the guy trips and falls into a girl’s bosom. At least I don’t think it is sexy, it’s just comedic relief, it’s sillyness.

It is not like Western animations and universes like Heavy Metal FAKK where the women are designed to be overtly sexy.

In anime, characters are not generally overtly sexual, the anime creates a specific scene to put in some fanservice.

There are anime with sexy men and women, like Cat’s eye, Cowboy Bebop, but they are exceptions, and they are generally anime from the 80s and 90s that are more targeted at an adult audience. Today’s anime are mostly MOE like someone said, they target a much younger demographic. The women, or rather girls, in moe, are more silly than sexy, the sexual tention is simply used for comedic relief or fanservice.


I can’t understand the excited nose-bleeds.

Lord Barov: “Omae wa mou shindeiru”


There are several card artists, it depends on their styles. The cards in your collection tell you who the artist was.

thats easy

91 days (2016)

joker game ( yep its after 2002 2016)


I really, really sympathize with you. I used to like anime for all of those things. A decent proportion of anime probably still presents good writing, though you perhaps lionize what is really just another medium in its home country, without the cult following it has elsewhere.

However, it would be remiss to not notice that parts of the anime industry have kind of been taken over by (creators pandering to) people obsessed with sexualization, and no small amount of paedophiles (sorry, “ephebophiles”).

And those parts tend to be particularly prominent.

Shadowverse exists, for those so inclined.

To me Anime is at its best when it gets to really dark plots, but in MORE than just an edgy way: psychology has to play a big part. Like Yu-Gi-Oh GX Season 4 where people get drawn into a world of darkness, where they get psychologically tortured by continuously re-living a scenario that corresponds to the future they see for themselves, but their worst fear about their future comes true and it turns into a complete failure no matter what they try to do differently, to the point they just completely give up, begging for release and surrendering their individuality to get absorbed into a collective.

That’s gonna be part of every artform tho.
Movies, music , anime there are always gonna be talentless “artists” who will try to attract people to their product with cheap methods as long as they don’t have the talent to make something descent.
But you didn’t give up on music or movies or games for that reason, right?
Why would you give up on anime

That definition is highly, highly misleading. Moe is referring to female characters whose purpose is exclusively to have a high pitched, shrill voice, eyes the size of grapefruits (in some cases even larger) and they typically don’t have any actual place in the plot, unless the entire “plot” is focused on them drinking tea and eating popsicles. Quite the polar opposite of “good character writing”

I’ll admit, I absolutely loved the story and writing of Steins Gate (it is truly anomalous to have an anime with actual good writing). I thought it was brilliant, actually. But the enitre thing was basically ruined by the absolute insistence of moe exposition

Sorry mate, but that 91 days features a wide-eyed moe girl in that very intro you linked. I checked into Joker Game, becuase I genuinely cannot believe at this point that there exists even one semi-mainstream anime without moe. Lo and behold, we have little miss Emma Grane.

From wiki: "Like her mother,she has incredibly vivid blue eyes. In her appearance in episode 7, she wore a short-sleeved light pink dress with a white collars and hems.


Like normal girls, Emma is very curious and imaginative. She is also a little bit shy to strangers , but warmed to Amari very quickly after meeting him. She seems to be polite too, thanking Amari after humoring her."

Vivid blue eyes (“vivid” meaning, of course, freakishly gargantuan) and “quickly warms” to a main character. That , sir, is the true essence of moe

Did you actually look at a picture of this character, or just words your read on wiki?

Cuz when I looked, her eyes are drawn in the same style as other characters, which is to say not “freakishly gargantuan”. Proportionally her eyes and face may be bigger, but that can be attributed to her being an child.

You… do know how children look like, right? They have bigger eyes and faces in proportion to the rest of their body.

As for growing attached to the main character… dude, again, she’s a kid character. A kid character growing attached to an adult is just an old trope in story telling, easy way to demonstrate the innocence of children and/or that the adult character has a heart. Arnie became John Connor’s father like figure in T2. Haley Joel Osment bonded with Bruce Willis in Sixth Sense. Macaulay Culkin befriended some crow lady in the park in Home Alone 2. If I was older I’d probably be able to list more child actors/actresses.

Nah, it’s the essence of cuteness.

Disney’s been making things look cute for far longer (Snow White is 1937 baby. The mouse himself as noted in the video has gone through an evolution over the years)

Making things look cute and then people finding those things cute isn’t some kind of moral failing or poor taste. It’s just, to paraphrase the video, being human.

I mean, I’m sure some people out there find murlocs cute. Whatever floats their boat man.


Giant eyes relative to a small head give an infantile appearance to a character.

Eyes don’t grow in size after birth, they are ‘adult size’ at birth. But heads do grow in size (not as much as their body, but baby heads are still small, only their cranium is relatively big).

So babies and young children have very big adult-size eyes compared to their small baby-skull. If you give giant eyes to a character compared to their head, they look infantile.

There’s nothing wrong to draw characters to be beautiful.
That said, I dislike characters that have nothing to add to the plot other than funservising.
Most anime I’ve watched were very well written with great characters, plots and action. It’s not hard to recognize anime that have nothing to offer other than fanservise and dodge them.

Don’t really care about anime but I want an expansion themed after JOJO

Why not just play Shadowverse?

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Play paladin
Run blessed champion for a golden experience
Play the piano when you find lethal with it