Anime themed cards


20 characterinos.

We did have some succubi but they replaced them cause China

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The irony of those archetypal examples being labeled as Basic is that many herald them as some of the best “Anime” shows within the last couple decades.

I’ll admit, I haven’t watched Anime since Yu-Gi-Oh and DBZ when I was 8, so making fun of my taste is valid. But when nothing else has stood the mainstream show beyond what you see posted on popular advertisements and people’s Facebook profiles, it makes me believe that’s all there is to quality Anime. And let me tell ya, lot of it was I had summarized before.

Go play Shadowverse if you want a weeb card game.


What irony? I don’t think you understand what basic means. It just means it’s mainstream.

Mainstream can be good (in the context of a kids’ show… let’s remember these shows you listed are aimed at kids, so what “many [kids] herald” as the “best” isn’t saying much), but mainstream isn’t everything there is to a medium or genre.

It’s like… fast food. Fast food is mainstream. Some fast food might even be decent as food, and “many herald” them as the best, but that doesn’t mean that’s all there is to dining.

Again, that’s like judging all cuisine only by fast food. After all, I see a lot more fast food commercials and people on social media talking about Popeye’s chicken sandwich or McD’s Szechuan sauce than actual fine dining. And I’m pretty sure “many herald” those fast food items as the best thing ever.


Honestly, this is like saying Metallica is all there is to quality metal, or that Bob Marley is all there is to quality reggae, which, to anyone who is really into these kinds of music, is incredibly short-sighted.


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Not really. They’re shows that a lot of people grew up with so they’re often blinded by nostalgia when judging the show. The only people who call them “the best anime” probably haven’t seen an anime since 2008.

This also shows that you haven’t seen an anime in 8-16 years.

Have you seen a movie ever? At least anime doesn’t over sexualize and dehumanize real people.

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Animation is art, country of origin or animation style does not change that.
Do yourself a favor and watch A Silent Voice for example. It’s only a couple of hours and I’m sure it would change your perspective on the subject.

Mind you, rather than giving you too much flak for not knowing quality anime content, we could suggest a few ones to watch if you’re ever interested in broadening your view on the subject.

A few references (that may be a bit old) that I really enjoyed:

  • anything by Hayao Miyazaki, my personal favorites being Spirited Away (a masterpiece) and Porco Rosso.
  • Paranoia Agent by Satoshi Kon (his other work is pretty good too)
  • Grave of the Fireflies. Now, be wary, while extremely good, this is really, really tragic. I don’t know anyone who wasn’t heartbroken by this anime.
  • on a more light/funny note bordering on crazy weird, FLCL blew my mind.
  • Serial Experiments Lain is more mainstream but I remember it being quite a thing when it got released

“Anime” is defined as the animation style of East Asia, particularly Japan. Arguing Semantics over what modernized associated terms is pointless here; everyone in this discussion already knows we are talking about Japanese animated cartoons.

Anime often sexualizes underage females, and I argue that is worse than real adults.

I’m open to watching any Anime or whatnot that has some value to it. But Western society had greatly tainted the best of popular East Asian entertainment by highlighting only the cringey and vastly inappropriate (in regards to social taboos) themes. I’m an adult and can take it for what it is, a cartoonized fetish, but doesn’t mean it’s worth any glorification.

While there are some good anime shows/movies out there, I think part of Hearthstone/WoW’s charm is that it deliberately sets itself apart with a rather unique art style, largely bright and vivid even in darker cards (before anyone brings them up, pretty much all of the MtGesque things we see are from the vanilla WoW TCG ported over into Basic/Classic) and to stray from that into hybridizing or creating SOME cards with much more anime-style artwork would do a disservice to the charm of the game’s aesthetic and just feel out of place.

IMO, you should either go full anime art style, or not at all. If that’s your thing, Shadowverse has it nailed rather well.


…he said, while earlier he already told us he hasn’t watched anime since he was 8.

…and if you look at the list of shows he listed (the shows he watched), none of them are known for their sexualization, let alone sexualization of underaged females.

Apparently in this guy’s world view, the anime shows most highlighted in the west are cringey and vastly inappropriate in regards to social taboos.

…but as noted above, the shows that were the most popular and mainstream - the shows he watched when he was 8, and claimed “many herald” as the best - are nothing of that sort.

I can’t help but suspect he’s just regurgitating propaganda talking points, and hope that repeating it enough times it’ll become true. I wouldn’t say he’s trolling, because there have been/are moral nannies out there who really believe in the stuff they regurgitate (e.g: people who tell us video games cause mass shootings, or we go way back to the days to the people who thought rock and roll is tied to devil worshiping)


Dude life is too short to not enjoy anime. Stop being stubborn and start appreciating it already :slight_smile:

sounds the kind of things i heard people repeat over and over when talking about comics

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Watchmojo: Top 10 anime themed Hearthstone cards

Make it happen

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Your hate makes you blind my friend

Here some of the greatest Anime Movies that proove its not all about what wou wrote.

Spirited Away - Won an Academy Award 2002

Princess Mononoke - James Cameran sayd, this movie was his insipration to create Avatar

Paprika - The Movie “Inception” is based on this Anime!

Grave of the Fireflies - Maybe one of the sadest movies in the history at all

Akira - Inspired generations of movie makers by his art style

Ghost in the Shell - This movie is the reason why whe got the “The Matrix” series. The makers sayd they where “inspired” by this movie. You can see clearly the similtarties in the storyline an even Trinity has got the look of the main character from Ghost in the Shell.

Castle in the Sky - 1986 - This movie inspired Final Fantasy and Mega Man series, Valkyrie Profiel and even Bioshock Infinite in ther Art Style.

Seriously, name ONE anime made after 2002 that doesn’t utilize moe in some way.

They don’t exist. Anime is moe, they have become synonymous

And you’re obviously a weeaboo… a proud weeaboo Go play Shadowverse

I googled what moe is and it says that it’s when the characters make you feel affection for them.
What is wrong with that? If something it shows good character writing

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Moe usually is partnered with anime that has underaged girls that make creepy guys fall for them.