Animation time of an enemy causing me to lose my time?

I thought this problem was fixed some time ago and I hate to expirience it again.
I had warlock against me the other day with the deck, where he casted “mass production” card over and over again to the point, that I got rope on my time almost instantly.
Hello?? Are we back in “good old” “Nozdormu” times?
Please, tell me it´s just temporary bug…

Honestly the fact that team 5 is to lazy after all these years to add a function that turns off animations for this game is just stupid.

It’s a fiction that has been asked over and over again and wouldn’t be easy to put in. But their idea of fun is wasting your time and trying to keep you playing like a casino. Instead of saying lose or win. They want to keep you enagaed like a slot machine, cause the longer you are forced to play the more you will play and the more their game actually looks good to investors cause they can show data that XXX number of people played for XXX number of hours.

But if they make these games fast and quick with animations turned off then that number drops significantly and then they can’t report record play times and active players.

It’s really sad honestly how bad this development team has gotten with ignoring functions people keep asking for and instead they add junk like a 60$ skin no one asked for or diamond cards that zero people want.

Instead of them actually adding key features to the game people want. Or my favorite there little survery they send out that are just laughable. It’s like the the ones jobs give out for feedback on how to improve things when everyone knows at your job nothing will change and it’s just meant to make people feel all special inside while leadership throws them in the trash. But just like team 5, if you’re lucky you might get a pizza party for all the hard work you did. Lol

This makes no sense. If anything, broken animation, that would take my time away would cause me to drop the game and go back, after they fix their crap (practicaly what I did, when Nozdormu broke the game). I remember few more decks, that caused this problems - usualy mage with infinite fireballs,etc…
But I thought we are past this already.
Tbh, my most played class is mage and the animation of “secrets” is so damn slow, it´s hilarious.
But when a losing guy can spamm me with anomations to the point, that I get rope - that is breaking a game mechanics and THAT should be considered a problem to fix as soon as possible.