Animated Hero Portraits

The Animated Hero Portraits are BY FAR some of the best Additions EVER MADE to ‘Hearthstone

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25 Euro each? LOL
You must be crazy

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I feel like I’m the only One in the whole world who isn’t crazy most of the time… :pensive:

There’s the police doing evil, the internet as a blockade of stalking and evil, all ex friends who abandon me so they could do evil, family who doesn’t consider me family so they can do evil, girls who make the world a worse place for evil, men who almost always make the world a worse place in all things for evil, there’s crazy games that just seem evil, there’s wild animals trained to do evil for evil men. This world is not for the faint of heart, and Heart of Stone Hearthstone doesn’t help much either because I can never soften the hardened heart of this game no matter the infinite effort, work and potential I give this game; It’s still always just cash spend and exploit to victory.

The animated Hero Portraits just add a bit of flavor that the game always needed from its dull 10 year offset before them.

Nah dude, the evil is Blizzard for putting a 25 euro price tag on a couple of pixels.
You must be crazy not to see it.

whole AAA game: 60-80$
one single skin in hearthstone: 25$ make it make sense

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YOu use to be able to preivew their emotes before you bought them. Ever since they stopped allowiing us to do that, I stopped buying them.

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