Animal Companion Weirdness?

Animal companion still summons a 3ish(little pushed but roughly 3) mana minion, just because the overall level of cards is greater doesn’t mean it needs an adjustment.

Also what is this “make sense” it perfectly well makes sense: if you want to be able to high roll a huffer/leokk for 3 mana you play animal companion
if you don’t want the RNG you take the value route and play patchwork pals and get 1 for 4 mana.

With games ending by turn 4/5(paladin/warlock fault usually) in standard there is a reason to run 1 or other, possibly even both. Most players of higher skill level would just prefer the value/choice from patchwork pals because the penalty from playing it is more then over compensated by the value

EDIT: To be specific I don’t think animal companion should be 2 mana I would not be opposed to it getting the pick(Discover) an animal companion as if it was printed in now hearthstone it most likely would be that way anyway

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If that’s what power creep is, then power creep is a useless concept that no one should care about and “90% of gamers” are freaking stupid.

Here’s what actually happens: new cards are printed that’re powerful. Because you can only have 30 cards in your deck, players cut cards that were previously considered powerful. The those cut cards don’t get played anymore. Whatever verb you want to use to describe what happened to those previously played cards that don’t see play anymore, that’s what’s actually important about analyzing how power changes in Hearthstone, and how power changes Hearthstone.

I think the term “power crept” would do great for that concept, but then I have to continuously deal with all the complete morons who say Mo’arg Drillfist is a power crept Chillwind Yeti, as if Yeti has been relevant at any point in the past decade.

How about this “every aspect” goes and jumps off a cliff


Can’t tell whose side your on or your take on this discussion
Did you read the whole thread he was saying call of the wild power crept animal companion because as 1 card it has the value of three cards, do you agree?

Le sigh

What I am saying is that your take, while perhaps more popular, is completely asinine.

I don’t know. But the way I’d check would be going back to historical charts of winrates and playrates, if they even still exist, and seeing if Call of the Wild was more played or more powerful than Animal Companion. It would absolutely not be your worthless strict superiority test.

wouldn’t the higher win rate just suggest that the meta was slower/faster and more agressive or more value oriented cards were “better” in that format?

It’s not just meta → cards. It’s meta → cards → meta → cards, ad infinitum, a feedback loop. But after new cards are released, the cycle usually runs through enough iterations to get stale in a week or so. At which point only the release of new cards will create significant changes.

So it’s not just cards powerful because meta. It’s also meta faster/slower because certain cards are powerful.

Okay so because of flexibility alone patchwork pals is power creep on call of the wild but call of the wild isn’t power creep on animal companion because one is value centric and the other is aggressive.
If one is good it is because the meta is oriented toward value/aggressive decks.

A card can be meta relevant or powerful without being power creep. Power creep is when something has no downside but only upside compared to the past cards
patchwork pals is better then animal companion but it isn’t power creep due to it having the down side of if you top deck it with 3 available mana it can not generate any minion that turn, it also has a 2mana due “nothing” start up when aggressive decks play things like RC controller. The card is being run because of its flexibility and ability to top deck in the late game and be relevant.

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Again, if that’s what power creep is, then power creep is a stupid concept for stupid people and I don’t want to talk about it with you or anyone else

I only want to talk about how rising power levels push cards that are not strictly inferior to new cards out of the meta.

I’m not going to get into semantics with you, you can call these two things whatever you like, but the strict superiority standard is worthless and cringe

Maybe I’m not understanding it correctly but when I look up power creep the definition gives me

It refers to the situation where new content or features make older ones obsolete or irrelevant, creating an imbalance and a loss of diversity in the game.

so in my earlier post miracle salesman makes blazing battlemage obsolete so it is power creep
Patchwork pals although a better card then animal companion doesn’t make it obsolete therefor it isn’t power creep
I swear I’ve seen Animal companion in a few reno hunters doesn’t that mean it isn’t irrelevant?

Am I wrong?
I am actually quite confused it feels like your “Looking down” on me as if I
am an idiot, or like I offended you in someway which was not my intention,
I am open to you explaining why you feel I’m wrong.

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It IS irrelevant. Reno Hunter is irrelevant, it’s not played in higher ranks, it’s bad, just like putting Animal Companion in a deck in 2024 is.

Maybe it makes sense if you’re not running duplicates, but I highly doubt it. You still rather put in patchwork pals and be done with it. You don’t need a 3 mana huffer in 2024 in a highlander deck. Highly doubt you need a Leokk, too, as you’re not going to go wide often. You might have some use of Misha, but that’s 33% chance.

Now, having ALL of them at the same time, makes sense because of synergy, just like it makes sense that you can pick which one you want, when you want it, for 2 mana.

That’s literally what happened here. Every new iteration of Animal Companions rendered the previous ones obsolete. It’s powercreep both according to common sense AND according to your definition.

Holy cow, what did I Just ready.
I went through the whole discussion just to figure out that everyone in here is talking about nothing.

You cant compare those cards, they are totally different. Jesus…

One is a 10 year old tempo turn 3, the other is a value “mana cheat” that does nothing on curve.

Just because the minions they create have the same name means nothing.

Go on and compare all Pala Dude cards, or trucks with cars.

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What if you run Patchwork Animal Companion and Animal Companion and the secret Unleash the Caged Animal Companion and Call of the Animal Companions all together?

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