Anduin Lothar Warrior Legendary

Anduin Lothar
Warrior Legendary
6 Mana, 6/6
Battlecry: If you have no other minions, cast Brawl.

We will drive them from this field or die on it.

Please Blizz, make this happen.

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I don’t see the point in this. A 7 mana legendary to cast brawl. The only time you would play this is if you lost the board… In which case just play brawl?

Maybe if it casted a brawl where its not affected by it. Leaving the legendary and one of the opponents minions on the board. In any case it seems more of a cumbersome card. Most of the time you get a minion that has an effect you dont want that effect to also destroy the minion.

This card is three things:

  1. When I have minions down, it’s a flavorless 6/6.

  2. When I have no minions down, and Lothar loses the Brawl, it’s the exact same as if I had simply cast brawl, except any given enemy minion had less a chance of survival.

  3. When I have no minions down, and Lothar wins the Brawl, it’s a powerful board clear and momentum shift.

When I have minions down, this card is boring, but not useless. There are many cases where Brawl is simply useless.

When I have no minions down, this card—like Brawl—gains value the better my opponent’s board. But when my opponent has only one or two minions, it’s much better than Brawl.

I like the card because it’s flexible in its usage, never completely useless, and pays homage to a major lore warrior in a way that fits the lore. I would prefer it to Brawl.

The only question is the mana cost, which having reviewed again what’s out there is probably too high.

Make it 6 mana. Original post edited to reflect.

Flavor aside, this card is functionally the same as adding a third copy of brawl to your deck.

I would run this card because brawl is a good card and more AoE removal is always nice for control warrior. That said, I think it’s a bit goofy to have Anduin Lothar land on the board, say his voice line, and then instantly die.

At least I have chicken!

It reduces an epic character to the level of leeroy Jenkins…

Besides, this sounds very similar to the coren direbrew card (the one not currently in game, but in one of the blackrock events and the odd tavern brawl I believe) where it does the same thing, except he wins all brawls by default.

If you want the same flavor, maybe go for an over/under:

Both draw a card: you win, clear their board keep him in play. You lose, clear board but he dies. Keeps the flavor of the card and makes it vulnerable at the same time. I would also make it neutral.