Am I wrong that paying for a Tavern Brawl is Horrible?

I fell for it…lost 3 games in a row. SAD

I didnt claim there was anything saying you would be charged 1k in that screenshot. If you’ve played longer than the release of the previous miniset, you;ve seen this brawliseum before. Therefore, you should know walking into it and clicking “I Understand” that you are committing to it. If you havent been around that long, before clicking I understand to anything, you ought to google the type of brawl it is. In fact, you ought to be googling the brawl every week.

Just like walking into a restaurant that doesnt put prices on its meals in the menu, if you engage in sitting down and having them take your drink orders, before you figure out you cant afford the place, you still owe for what you;ve already ordered. This is no different. If you have to ask the price of something that isnt outright labelled for you, chances are you aren’t knowledgeable enough to know if you can or you cant afford it.

cramer shut up. clicking the “i understand” button does not auto spend your gold it brings up a 2nd pop up to do that

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Not according to Skizzy. Their post explicitly says the I Understand button does transact the 1000 gold.

I want to be clear that that is the report I’ve heard from others. I did not experience it myself. It may be tied to a specific platform, but the reports are numerous enough that I believe it is happening

then its a bug because i pressed it and nothing happened, forgot i had already looked at tavern brawl on wendnesday and pressed it again and nothing happened

That’s good to know that this bug only effects a portion of the playerbase. I am still too afraid to press the button myself lol