Am I really lucky or can I be sad about this?

I just opened the 3 old packs they gave us, and in the Un’Goro one I got a legendary. That was really unexpected as I’m a fairly new player and the only old packs I’ve opened was enough to get the guaranteed legendary from the first 10 in each one. Then I clicked on the next card and got a second legendary in the same pack. I immediately took a screenshot.
Now, I’m fairly sure I would never enjoy the mess that is wild, so I’m mostly planning to dust my rotating cards, and the game just throws a Swamp King Dred and a Tyrantus at me. I don’t even want to dust the Tyrantus, it’s such an awesome card, but I’ll never get to play it and the dust would help me a lot.
I would’ve killed for a pack like that in a newer expansion where I need the legendaries. I suppose a good consolation is the 800 dust I can get to help me get more legendaries I actually want rather than getting random ones. But it also feels so bad to dust cards like that.

I know it’s really rare to get a pack like that, am I whiny for being a bit sad that it happened in this of all packs? I just had to get it off my shoulders or it would bother me all day. Feel free to call me ungrateful and disgustingly lucky, that would help me feel better about it. And thanks for listening to my ranting.

The developers have never closed the door on bringing Wild cards back into standard… at some point there could end up being a rotational system like what is going to be happening to Arena. where sets rotate in and out of standard on a monthly basis

I would advise against dusting your wild cards. you’re just lighting a match to time and money spent. the dust you get is not worth it…


That’s a better point than the usual “You’ll want to play wild and regret it”. The dust however kind of is worth it as a new player trying to afford a competitive deck. My top priority should be to have good decks every rotation, and I shouldn’t miss out on that just because I might have something in the future, with a lot of emphasis on might.
I guess a fair compromise would be to only dust rotated cards if I’m missing dust for something I really need, and possibly get to keep some of the more useful ones. And if Blizzard does end up deciding to bring old expansions back, they would probably start with ones I wasn’t around for and I’ll have plenty of time to save the many recent cards I’ll have.
I didn’t know that a rotational system was ever a possibility though, thanks for the enlightenment.

In my experience, Wild isn’t as scary and horrible as you’d think from the forums. I’ve actually gotten to 15 in Wild while my Standard peak is 16.

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That’s interesting, even though you could’ve had a better wild deck than standard one. I kinda believe you though, from what I’ve seen from streamers and friends playing lower ranks in wild. But in standard you can make one solid deck and reach legend, while it seems all but guaranteed that on the higher ranks in wild you’ll face every broken deck needed to make you never want to touch the game again. And even facing those half the time would be enough to demoralize me. Standard is a lot safer.

Nah, getting 800 dust off a free pack is phenomenal. Dust or don’t (personal opinion is don’t), but definitely feel good about it either way.

Yeah. You got 800+ dust from what’s usually 40 and averages 100. That’s awesome.

If this puts you toward being able to craft goldens (or even normal) of things going into hall of fame, you can make even more free dust.

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It occurred to me that you could use them in Wild tavern brawls. :slight_smile:

That thought hit me the other day too. Are there brawls that require you to have wild cards in order to play them at all? I don’t want to miss out on any weekly brawl pack.

How much dust do you have?

The best advice I can give is, no matter if you don’t want to play wild or the cards are lousy, wait until you actually need the dust to get rid of them. There’s no sense bopping off a card just to let the dust sit idle.

And I’m kind of jelly. Tyrantus is whatever, but Dredd is such a fantastically cool effect, and is one of only two cards I’m missing from a dinosaur themed deck. I’d trade you if I could, hah!

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Not often, but sometimes. Several weeks ago, there was a Brawl that was limited to 4 Wild sets. It happened when they were doing a bundle sale for those sets to promote the Wild format.

That brawl used only 2 Wild decks (GvG and The Grand Tournament), the other two decks were Standard ones (Witchwood and Boomsday). So you could’ve theoretically done the brawl without any Wild cards.

IMHO a few fringe brawls shouldn’t be the deciding factor.

Normally I would agree with holding on to cards unless you need dust for something specific. But with the hall of fame cards coming up, you have a rare opportunity to leverage dust. Assuming you have any.

But I’m also biased because I don’t play wild.

I have about 1800 dust atm, I used all my dust to craft Genn and Baku and the other hall of fame cards. I wish I had waited as I could now have made some golden versions instead, but oh well. Literally had 5 dust left after crafting normal versions of them all and somehow thought I wouldn’t get more dust until the rotation.
With my current dust, the hall of fame dust, and a bunch of rotating legendaries, I should have enough to craft whatever I want. I will indeed only dust stuff when I need it though, and try to hold on to some wild cards if possible. Sadly I miss so many epics and even classic cards that I fear my dust will drain rather fast.

And Teo, I would happily have traded you the Dred if it was possible.


Lower-rank Wild is actually far more diverse and less cutthroat that lower-rank Standard, where you will see lots of high-power decks of people trying to climb.

Wild has way more people screwing around until you get to the lower teens.

I watch a lot of Hearthstone videos from many different channels, and one of them just decided to play Wild for a bit until the rotation. He climbed from rank 20 to legend, and ten videos in I was already bored of the format despite the many different decks. Even when the meta is stale and full of decks I don’t like I always enjoy the Standard videos, and these wild ones didn’t even showcase the bad sides of wild, where all the broken decks are forever terrorizing the highest ranks. So this just showed even more how Wild isn’t for me.
But, as for your point, I was surprised to see that Wild does indeed seem to often be easier in the lower ranks. Plenty of embarrassingly bad players with decks that wouldn’t even reach rank 19 in Standard. Some of them had golden portraits yet played worse than I did on my first day of Hearthstone, it was quite peculiar.
Anyway, I’m fine doing my trial by fire by fighting my way through standard.

Cool, sounds like you’re set already.

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