All theyd have to do is get rid of brann

And it would open up the late game to si many other types of decks. It wiuld at least give other late game decks a chance better than what they currently have.

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Unfortunately… Brann would not be enough… also need to nerf Reno, Reska (reborn and lifesteal are too much in my opinion… mainly with it’s recycling… and all the removers… those are all a huge problem for slower decks… mainly with too many AOE board clears which the game currently have. Hearthstone should be based on strategy again… not over power…


If by Brann you mean Boomboss, sure.

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why ?

the deck isnt isnt seening half as much play as before and a late game deck like rainbow DK is farming reno warriors

and reno priest which is a late game deck too barely has any problems beating it

Oh yes, I forgot Boomboss and Symphony if Sins before… the deck destroyers… those are bigger problem than Brann… but to be honest, the amount of armor they can build is also a joke in itself…

If you get rid of brann you’ll still have hanbuff paladin throwing 20/20 chargers at you, hunters cheesing out mega beasts with eggs, and the plethora of other reno decks would just move in to fill garrosh’s shoes. If you remove brann from warrior you replace reno warrior with reno priest and reno druid. Nothing changes until we have a new expansion. Adding just one more lane is not enough.


You’d have to nerf more than just those. But the point is that you’re going in the right direction. Everyone who thinks that they’re one nerf away from the meta transforming and decks that weren’t viable becoming viable, that’s delusional.

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Right now i am actually good with all the late game stuff other than having my hand deck and board deleted from boomboss, i have said this in past id be okay with boomboss leaving and keeping brann also but brann is the bigger issue.

like yogg destroys zilliax and inventor boom combo atm, and warrior arent switching back ti the nine mana zilliax.

Druid can di okay cause of aviana and fizzle

Priest can copy boom and do alright as well.

Warlock juat destroys warrior and can go late game especially with a symphony, but not a lot of others can handle a doible battlecry boomboss

Brann should really be removed… if you create a snapshot, the warrior create 2 times more… it is just impossible to beat this class now with slower decks… it is just insane how much resources it can get…

I’m playing insanity warlock, but for some reason I can’t win games against warrior anymore, so I just insta concede and move on

Apparently it’s working for me, I’m already top 150 on both NA and EU

Just don’t have the stomach to shuffle through 28 cards and have fizzle and crescendo both in the last 2 and then drawing a bomb, it’s just not my idea of having fun or time well spent, at all

I’m seeing normal players highrolling and having positive winrate against warrior with the deck, but that’s not me, for my luck, the matchup is unplayable. Sitting at 6/18 now, 25% winrate, no thanks - insta concede = time saved = faster ranking up.

Eventually, one day, hopefully, warriors will stop being abused.

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We both know it’s nothing special, I just finished legend climb and got that rank since it’s early in the season

But the point is that it’s doable even with insta-conceding 2 matchups - pally and warrior

As soon as I see it’s not flood pally, I’m out of the game

And as I said, I can’t stand playing against warriors anymore, I’m physically sick from that matchup

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Doing it in im guessing 24 hours is kinda speed running it

Maybe I shouldn’t be that surprised but don’t sell yourself too short

Same here… but I still try to not give them easy win… they are just disgusting… Maybe I should do the same too… just sick of them… :roll_eyes:

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I would also add Wheel of Death, cause if Brann isnt there, Warlock still gets to win any late game strategy with a single card.


Brann, Reno. 'Couple more I could name…

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Remove all decks/supporting cards that i lost to.

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Not good enough you forgot my “feelings”, so its remove everything regardless.
Even when i win the deck my opponent is playing might offend me, we cant have that.

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Just beat a boomboss + brann warrior with a quickly thrown together excavate lock deck on standard lol ezpz

So you are clairvoyant… And here I thought Miss Cleo passed:)