All theyd have to do is get rid of brann

That’s funny because even though it’s probably not what LadyDeadpool had in mind I always imagine her as that blind lady from the first movie. In my headcanon Wade decided a marriage of convenience made financial sense after Vanessa dies. No ceremony, just a certificate. Also she learns voodoo because why not. Kinda fits the profile pic.

I play alot of warrior in 100-300ish rank EU. First you need to draw Brann. Then you have to play a 2/4, 8 cost mana brann. Basicly passing a full turn. Then you need to play a 7/7 8 cost minion (Boomboss). Almost a full pass again.

Do guys have any Idea what kind of decks that rules the high legend scene? OTK decks and there is alot. I can name the first 8 OTK style decks designed to destroy all who dares to play a control deck.

it is below 5% of games you acutally get to play the brann boomboss combo.
If you are able to put a little pressure around turn 7-8 - 90% of the times brann will never get in play.

If you think removing Brann will make you happy try facing 60+ dmg boomkins or Sonya rogues with 4 sonyas on board keep copying 1 cost wep. buff spells. infinite. before turn 10.

Brann is not close to an issue anymore. The solitare OTK style decks has always been the enemy of the game since introduced.

You are literally playing a solitaire OTK deck.

In this meta, especially against the decks you’re complaining about, Boomboss ends the game on the spot more than 75% of the games. You just need to play it at the correct moment (and it’s not like you’re under a lot of pressure against OTK decks, and aggro decks pretty much just concede after double zilliax get spawned)

You’re risking a lot of flame by posting that post.

Your deck is cancerous. It’s just remove, remove, remove, spawn a broken zilliax, respawn a broken zilliax x2 which attack x4, reno, boomboss.

There’s not a single fun turn you can play against your deck. It’s just anti-fun. You do not get to complain.

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Okay should we define OTK real quick?

OTK is (At least in my world) killing your opponent in 1 turn regardless of health total + amor. Solitare playstyle is ignoring anything your opponent does and going face. Ignoring board just doing your OTK before you die.

What rank are you? nothing wrong with what ever rank you have but you need to understand that against players that knows how to play what you are saying is not reality.

Which is what you do with a correctly placed bombs to any OTK/combo deck.

I play insanitylock and when a bomb destroys my crescendo + fizzle, it’s the same as if you OTK-d me. I can only concede or waste 2-3 turns of time more to lose because I don’t have the damage to win.

Same as you, currently 200-250 on all 3 servers

See, now you just look stupid. You should have waited til I reply with my rank before posting that nonsense.

I was top 50 3 days ago btw

Well we are not on the same page could not disagree more. Highlander warrior has nothing to do with an OTK deck. Yes boomboss disrupts but it does not OTK in anyway.

I have hard time believing we are the same rank. I does not sound as if. If you are not good at insanity lock dont play it? There are 15 other decks that beats Highlander warrior at lower ranks.

Lower ranks? Are you intentionally being a jerk or are you just a sad, frustrated individual?

I’m top 200 player on 3 servers for the last 4 months

Changing a deck doesn’t change that. I’ve tried. My skill is locked between 100 and 200, going to 40-50 when i highroll and to 300-400 when i lowroll

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It’s absolutely miserable. It’s an auto-win against any slower deck, even if all game you are losing and doing nothing productive, and it is good enough against other decks, making it unbalanced in the meta, especially in lower ranks because of it’s ease of use.

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No i was just saying you can’t complain about a deck that is just above 50% win rate in top 1000. It’s not OP. It beat some decks looses to others. Get over it.

Ofc I can. If everyone else can complain about nonsense, I can complain about a deck which has, unchanged (more or less), dominated the ladder for 6 months.

Sure I can.

And you can enjoy my ignore list, btw. A guy with 20 posts comes out of nowhere and starts putting people down and telling them what they can do?

I don’t think so. Go tell your parents what to do, if you dare.

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Aggresive guy :slight_smile: Don’t believe you are high legend at all. Rarely see such ignorance. Please ignore me. I’ll ignore you. Life to short. Have a great day :slight_smile:

are you complaining about 1 bad roll?

insanity warlock…is one of the decks farming wins vs reno warrior…

that loss to TNT must be one of the few times you lost agaisnt it

cant believe you are raging about the 1 game you lost vs reno

Actually, no

This season (last 6 days) I’ve played 45 games against warrior with 36% winrate

It’s been unplayable for me. Just the last game I’ve had crescendo, encroaching and trogg in the last 4 cards, while these last 6 days not a single warrior missed zilliax on 8 into inventor on 9

Maybe it’s just variance/bad luck, as I’ve been complaining about bad luck for a month now, but if so, how in the world is it possible to be this unlucky??

I used to have over 60% against warriors with insanity, and my overall winrate is 51,03% this season (which means I’m literally stuck on 3 servers in ranks 200-300, while being so unlucky noone would even believe me if they don’t spectate me every day)

There are days where I just wonder are some people just born way more lucky? Like, how do players ever hit that streak of 20 wins in a row they need to break out of their usual rank (such as when Norwis hit 21 win in a row last month with a nerfed Nature shaman to hit rank 1)

I don’t get those. Last time I was nearly as lucky as that was 4 months ago when I was playing rainbow mage and went 13 in a row

Anyway, no, I don’t complain about one single game. I’ve played 342 games this season (6 days) which means 57 games per day on average, and I’ve had criminally bad luck most of those games.

Also, aren’t you just sick of that class being top tier? It’s been months and months, like, gimme a break would you?

If you played CLOSE to the number of games I play, you’d be sick of it too, trust me -.-