For Anachronos, it makes all minions disappear and then reappear in two turns. If the board is full or minions can’t fit, those minions die similar to if they can’t go into your hand when your hand is full.
1 mana 5/5 taunt after turn 7 with discover a dragon on top. Seems absolutely insane
yeah, really makes the whole package come together. If you need a dragon in a pinch, this is the card you want.
The whole dragon package is good I think.
Timewarden applying next turn seems really strong as an example.
That said, not sure if dragon paladin will end up stronger than traditional control paladin. (that said, even control paladin salivates at Anachronos as a tool.)
Also to note, that now with 6 different discover dragon cards in a dragon paladin deck, the possibility of multiple Anachronos is very real.
Can future minions attack immediately?
Like, can I attack face with my board, play this new dragon and in 2 turns attack face again with the summoned minions?
If they are asleep, it will probably be used defensively like gigaphyn; if they are awake, oh god
Video didn’t show, but I do expect them to have summoning sickness.
Or else it can be disgusting with Bridge lol.
Anachronos - >Bridge and suddenly you get a full board with +2/+2 that immediately attacks lol.
Tbh, I’m not really convinced with the Dragon Package, only the Legendary and the Dragon Spell seem to be pretty good (and I wouldn’t be surprised if they weren’t played either). Maybe Neutral Dragon synergy will carry the archetype, but I’m doubtful.
Paladin has had a loooong history of failures when it came to dragon support, another one wouldn’t be surprising.
As for all the other cards, they seem ok? Potential Aggro Paladin incoming, but I’d lie if I say that any of the cards seems impressive. Most of them have an above average effect, but if they don’t get the job done as a deck, a good chunk of them would be cut asap.
Blood Crusader is the most interesting out of all of them, despite lacking any synergy, so far. We will have to see if it can pull its weight in slower decks for a potential game ending aggressive play or maybe some kind of combo (̶u̶n̶f̶o̶r̶t̶u̶n̶a̶t̶e̶l̶y̶, B̶r̶a̶n̶n̶ +̶ C̶r̶u̶s̶a̶d̶e̶r̶ +̶ D̶e̶n̶a̶t̶r̶i̶u̶s̶ i̶s̶ a̶ p̶o̶s̶s̶i̶b̶i̶l̶i̶t̶y̶)̶.
Edit: Forgot Crusader says Paladin only minions, ty StoicPaladin for mentioning it.
Denathrius isn’t a Paladin minion.
It’s all fun and games until the paladin starts discovering more copies of Anachronos. I can see the people coming to twitter and forums complaining about this already.
Oh, my bad, missed that part. Thank you for mentioning it.
The card seems a lot worse now…
Anachronos at 7 seems really really strong.
It also seems a weird fit for dragon paladin, though. Which is generally a minion-heavy midrange deck. A control build does seem really possible with Kazakusan, though.
It’s a tempo card. You play a 0 mana 5/5 alongside a big threat like Tirion or something in a midrange deck as like your top end.
Probably not attractive enough to see widespread play, but could be fun.
The Warlock class identity bleed begins.
Yeah, I get the point, but the difference from what I expected comes from the fact that Paladin will need to get more big minions for Crusader to see play. Having Crusader with Tirion on 6 is a dream, but you won’t always have Tirion in hand, so Paladin would need more cards like him to be consistent with said combo.
Edit: What I mean to say is that Pally’s big minions as options are pretty limited/few and they could run into the scenario of having a Crusader with no big minion to cheat if they don’t have enough of them in their deck.
It’ll probably be something they develop next year (pretty hard not to print big minions) but there’s also Leviathan, Brasswing, Templar Captain. All of which are pretty good tempo.
Even 5 drops aren’t bad off of it.
My best call right now is probably sticking it in dragon paladin. Lotta big dragon boys and you can discover more.
True, there is some potential. I’m generally a pessimist when it comes to Dragon Paladin, but I will have to wait and see.
I theorycrafted this just as an example.
There is like no good 2 drops for Paladin in this sort of deck right now.
you’d run amalgam in the 2slot instead of the Undead
with 4 DS 1 drops in the list, maybe a 2cost buff is not a bad idea either. (2nd being Righteous)
also i dont think you would run either Warden or Scalebane. Instead, probably run Vindicator+Order in the courts to get to your big boys.
i would also rather have Righteous Protector rather than Feast and Famine, especially with jewelkit.
Also, amber watchers are pretty ok imo, especially running the selfharm cards.
with Order there’s no need for 2 Brasswings either, one is more than enough to consistently get value from Crusader, especially with 6 discover dragon cards in there. Same for Tirion, no need for him there, you can force the big boys in hand or discover them instead.
Dunno, im a main paladin player, and i would play that card in every minion based paladin deck. Even if you only play it with the 3 mana “sunken mooncatcher”. Now imagine if its handbuffed also. Play it with a Cariel Roame or Elitist Snob. Its can be a huge tempo, especially if handbuffed.
Now i think about it, its kinda a worse Lightray, but if you have some big boys when you play it at 6 mana its better i think.
But even if its a worse Light Ray, you still play it in a handbuff paladin for tempo/rush swings.
Only thing is you need to hit a big class dragon for Crusader. That isn’t Anachronos usually. 'cuz he’s kinda awkward.
But I think you’re on point with a lot of the other stuff. I was trying to build a little more aggressively than that, but I think this works out pretty well.
What is the release date for the expansion?
I just love blood matriarch Liadrin. Pure Tempo paladin is my favourite deck this exp, and it looks like such a good fit.