All Paladin cards are now revealed

I wonder how we wil use anacros in a disruption paladin.

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Well paladin has had a self damage card in the past i believe that converts your hp into armor.

I’ve already got some stuff cooking. This definitely makes Jailer Paladin more fun. A board wipe on 7 has always been a turn you want because Cariel hits on 8 and sometimes you can’t get her out on time. Interesting for the mirror as well.

Just post your list please :slight_smile: your lists are always good.
At least your opponent has time to prepare for the effect.

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I’m still filling a few gaps. I think Jailer Paladin with some dragon support and Kaz could actually work. Kaz is a lot easier to play now and no one is running steam cleaner. The biggest thing is the new plague spreader scares the heck out of me lol

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I gues we hold equality tax and if we dont we try and go tall with 3 or 2 we can discover a buff spell with the taunt minion :slight_smile:

Do you think we can make kazakusan paladin D.

The legendary dragon will have its cost increased by 10 a nice nerf.

I usually run multiple board clears in Paladin. Bunker Sergeants and Spammy Arcanists are really great, not to mention they pair extremely well with equality. I don’t think you even need to run tax.

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Can you post your current paladin list :slight_smile:

Stop being correct, it’s screwing with my confirmation bias

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Also, warlock’s identity kinda started bleeding with Demon Hunters getting all sorts of demons. Not exactly a beginning.

Looks like Renathal Paladin will continue to be the only way to play Paladin.

Entire Paladin Class might get suppressed by another Renathal deck like Renathal Rogue/Priest. :-1: :+1: :-1: :+1:

I’m not really enthused by the self-damage package. It doesn’t fit the vibe of the class in my opinion, and I’m not really seeing the package as being compelling from a power level perspective, either. Maybe I’m just missing the potential lines because I don’t like the flavor, though.

Anachronos and Flight look really, really good. Dubious on the rest of the Dragon package, though. Time Warden seems like it could be very powerful in the right scenarios, but I’m not sure that those will be consistent enough to warrant the deck slot(s). I can see it being awkward in many cases. Kazakusan Paladin would be very interesting if viable, but the shelf life on that is limited, since Kazakusan will rotate at the beginning of next year. Raid Boss Onyxia and Onyxian Warder will as well, and it’s not a highly represented tribe at the moment to start with. The website lists 32 Dragons in Standard, and that’s including the 4 from MOTLK. If you limit it to what you can Discover as a Paladin, that drops down to 19. Raid Boss Onyxia rotating also lowers the pop-off potential of Time Warden as well.

I dunno, we’ll have to see how it goes, but I’m a lot more excited to check out DKs than I am about the new Paladin cards.

Palain looks good its my 3 faveroute classes of all time i think i really like these cards sofar.

Man, I just realized they gave Paladin zero card draw. Again.
So here’s to another expansion of this class getting destroyed by Theo, while this board celebrates it…

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So you are on the, nobody is playing aggro next expansion prediction?

I don’t want to play a 6 mana Theotar if I am getting pounded by blood Paladin.

I play paladin also we still have good draw from our older cards the new cards are good i am going to disagree with you on this card i feel draw is ok with paladin and these cards are good support for the paladin quest i think the class will be better with these cards no doubt about it thats my prediction.