All I see on ladder is trashadin and trash druid

I kid you not, I played around TWENTY games without seeing anything else with the exception of an excavate warrior.

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I went Paladin early on because Blood Matriarch Liadrin is such a cutie.

Though, I am ready to play some Priest once Blizzard lets me buy the Electro Swing Sally Priestess hero skin. :smiley:

Do you play any non-scumbg decks sir?

That’s because this community is trash. They will gravitate towards whatever busted deck is out there just so they can win their game in five turns. They don’t care about playing a CCG. They’re not interested in that. They’re interested in winning and winning right now

Combine that with the laziest slowest response from the devs when it comes to balancing their game and this is what you get


I like Priest and Paladin. I liked Priest and Paladin since before this season because I like the “holy” flavor of the cards.

I had a lot of ladder anxiety and dealt with it by focusing on the Tavern Pass and special events, rather than on ladder itself. So, I want to make sure to do all the dailies and weeklies, and that matters more to me than ladder, because Tavern Pass and special events give tons more rewards than ladder does.

This made me like Hearthstone much more, and if I had not done this, I likely would have quit the game.

So, since you seem to think that I only play “busted” decks, I don’t. I do choose a deck that’s effective, yeah, but winning as much as possible is not as much an objective to me as getting all the rewards out of Tavern Pass and special events.

Some of the objectives require me to significantly decrease the efficiency of my deck and lose more, such as by putting in Thunderbringer, which is a neutral card and that made me lose because the Countess’ special ability doesn’t activate if there are any non-Paladin cards in the deck, but I put it in anyway. Other objectives require me to play a different deck – I’ve never won with my Warrior deck, for example, but I played it 3 times in one day and got 3 losses in one day to fulfil and objective.

Not everybody has the same objective, and you shouldn’t be so cynical about people.

You only have money that interests Blizzard, they don’t care about the balancing of the game. They adapt their game so that their stupid players (yes you have to be stupid to spend hundreds of $ for an expansion, come on see the price of the extensions of other games made by other companies) be happy by winning without thinking with a single face interaction (already a single interaction is already difficult for them so imagine more interaction).

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Just telling you, Tavern Pass is not giving much reward… mostly cosmetics and 2 gold standard pack but thats all… compared to free reward track. I wouldn’t say 20% xp boost worth it either… I have purchased Tavern Pass only once and only to support the game by a little money… but already regretted it.

" All I see on ladder is trashadin and trash druid" Because you try to play only trash lock snake… Just try to play a slower deck and then you will meet trash lock, trash mage, trash warrior, trash DH, trash hunter and trash priest a lot of times too… Thats why a lot of Paladin changed to aggro… because developers left no other choice… Everything else is killed by these unfair mechanics: super fast and strong aggro, unlimited control, OTK, Yogi, minion encounter tools, endless mana cheat and discovery. Will you stop whining already and learn to play or quit the game… it is that simple.

You play dk blood (control deck), you only come across paladin (aggro) and you lose (this is not normal) so stop saying stop playing snake warlock.

I am not saying he should stop playing it… I am saying stop whining against the nerf of the snake because it is broken… Everyone knows… even the developers… deal with it…