All gamers just want to have f— FLAVOR TEXT

no flavor text for mobile version

let’s hang out as a group somewhere. we could spend money. play digital cards? maybe talk maybe laugh …

I can’t

well why not?

I’ll miss out on all the flavor text

oh no you mean

yes, you must be tethered to your big computer forever

but what if I want to go somewhere and play mobile hearthstone and spend money on it

you could do that

but… the fun shackles? - could I do that and have my flavor text so I can know what laughter is all about?

no, not on the mobile version

why would you hurt me like this?
What will I do?
HOW will I even make it!?

They even updated graphic options and everything here recently. there’s space. there’s the power, I just feel like Ben Kenobi’s never going to help me out on this…


… Is it because of my parking tickets?


really? mobile version doesn’t have flavor text? did not know that. hmm. that sucks.


What is flavor text?

the text when you click a card in your collection in the collection window. it appears to the right of the card. it’s just fun text.

Thank you!!!

(20 char)

people actually read that stuff? Why not just open it on the pc to read it then or find some wiki to read them on. Arent accounts shared between mobile and pc?

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maybe they don’t have a pc. they can read on the wiki yeah. but if the wiki ever stops functioning then they won’t be able to.

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