no flavor text for mobile version
let’s hang out as a group somewhere. we could spend money. play digital cards? maybe talk maybe laugh …
I can’t
well why not?
I’ll miss out on all the flavor text
oh no you mean
yes, you must be tethered to your big computer forever
but what if I want to go somewhere and play mobile hearthstone and spend money on it
you could do that
but… the fun shackles? - could I do that and have my flavor text so I can know what laughter is all about?
no, not on the mobile version
why would you hurt me like this?
What will I do?
HOW will I even make it!?
They even updated graphic options and everything here recently. there’s space. there’s the power, I just feel like Ben Kenobi’s never going to help me out on this…
… Is it because of my parking tickets?