All Discover and Copy Nerfed To Non-Legendary

(Quick Edit: Cards like Paparazzi are fine, you only get two).

Someone made a dead-in-the-water thread last month about this and I just wanted to somewhat refresh it.

This falls in line with my complaints and annoyances with Priest as it is with how control-heavy they are, and Creation Protocol made this worse, regarding discovering any key legendary they have in most control priest decks:

  • Blackwater Behemoth
  • Aman’Thul

Both of these cards have heavy disruption, and there are not enough Poisonous minions anymore to make this punishable.

Why I bring up Poisonous in particular was a call back to Un’Goro, with Hunter’s Swamp King Dred; avoiding any discussion of that card’s own viability, it wouldn’t also see play because of Stubborn Gastropod (which was a rather decent 2-drop taunt minion).

There’s not a lot for Priest in particular that punishes them for playing Blackwater, or Aman’Thul, if anything they are rather auto-include-ey, which I don’t feel is healthy for gamestate.

This can also be applied to any other deck that does copy legendaries as well; Priest is just a heavy outlier.

Again, just my opinions and a little aggrivation against control priest as a whole having a bit too long time to shine.

(I mean seriously shard of the naaru…did not need to be made a core card).

(Also side note: what is with this weird fixation on all the classes lately with Lifesteal? Big-Demon DH, Hollow Hound for DK/Hunter, Kangor for Paladin)