All 145 cards: no reward

I have all 145 cards from latest expansion.
But the reward with special coin is blocked at 144. I triple checked, I have them all, it is a bug.
Thanks for solving it


Experiencing same issue, please Blizzard :frowning: Not what you wanna see dropping all that $$$ for 100% collection


Same issue, I have all cards and it says I still need a neutral legendary for the last three collection achievements. Checked with customer support and they just told me to post here because they can’t grant achievements lmao.

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Replying because of I am having the same issue I have screenshots but I don’t think I can attach them to the forum

Same card for me as well it’s Neutral legendary so it might be the same card for everyone

I have the same problem. I have all the cards but the achievements list says I have a neutral Legendary missing. Please fix.

Same issuse here, said I am missing 1 legendary card

Same here, sort it out Blizzard we drop so much money on this game at least make it work.

Same here and I have repeat to combine and decompose the card to try, and I lost more dust……

same problem.

made a ticket to 3 days ago.

no response till today.

The known issues includes this one:

I guess that the issue reported here has the same root cause, and that they will both be fixed together.

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Same problem here, I have the 145 cards for this expansion

I got the same problem…buy everything, have all cards from Showdown in the Badlands and no extra card for collect all but in game show me than I need more one neutral legend card…no comments. I’ve sent two reports of this bug to support and of course they didn’t do anything just a link to the forum and that they don’t deal with it anymore. I also wrote please refund me the money and dust for the card and nothing either… just a link to the forum and maybe some developer will read it and take care of it… what a mess !!

Hi BigHugger, you seem well informed, by any chance would you know when this issue will be fixed? Such a simple one should take less than a day no?
Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

As you see, the information I gave you came from the “Known Issues” topic in this forum.
I have no information beyond what Blizzard announces there. And they have not announced an estimate for when this will be fixed.

Whether or not this is an easy fix is something I won’t comment on. Being a software developer myself, I know that what seems easy for an outsider is not always easy in reality. And I also know that there is such a thing as prioritizing work. There may be things that management considers more important to fix first.

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Good morning,

I have all the cards from the Brawl of the Badlands expansion, in the form of rewards, deck openings, etc. (normal, golden and diamond)

On the other hand, despite this, I am told that I only have 26/27 legendary cards - 144/145 brawl cards in badlands and 34/35 neutral brawl cards in badlands.

Just these three pieces of data prove that there is a bug in the collection counts.

Thanks for your feedback.

Yes. Try reading the other posts.

Fair point but for people that are not forum warriors like myself it isn’t always obvious where we can find this information. How long has it been now and still no resolution to something that we have paid for. This guy had one post asking for something to be resolved that he has PAID for, if anything get on Blizzards back to get it fixed.