Aivana nerf - removal

This is a card that requires removal from the game or a banning on all formats. Rework can be easy – Battlecry: Your next creature costs 1. When paired with Kun, once played there is no way to win. You get hit with 20+ damage, 0 mana moonfires… This way you get the double critter out BUT do not get to OTK chain it.

Much balance is needed! Remove this card, asap. Replace it with a battlecry.

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This deck has existed, literally, for years. Years and years and years. Look up ‘Malygos druid’ and you’ll find decks from as far back as 2017 or so.
Just saying, if they didn’t nerf it 6 years ago they aren’t nerfing it today or any day.

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Cry to Druid!! You can cry!! The best class in the game!! But I admire the mage more!