Again with time warp

Mages having time warp is too OP. No one is going to convince me otherwise. I played druid with getting to bigger minions quicker and had a loaded board of big dragons only by the time my mage opponent got off the secret that prevents fatal damage. He got it off the next 3 turns, then time warped for 5 more turns.

I mean c’mon how is this even allowed? They banned Demon Seed because initially it was unbeatable.

When I might as well forfeit 10% of my matches upon seeing what my opponent is playing because it’s not just time warp that is too OP in wild mode how the hell am I supposed to get to legend much less plat 10?

Nevermind that this game used to be a good game back in the day, but then Blizz adds a card like time warp and it’s not OP at first, but I think they forget that they added it and then later are like let’s add a minion that allows you to get back spells you played and they forget that by doing that it’s going to allow for an exploit for players to abuse. Either ban time warp or ban rommath / vexallus.


Just save yourself time and frustration and concede when you see these BS decks that Blizzard refuses to address.

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Wild is a joke[it should not be played]. They can barely balance Standard as it is if it is even balanced at all, and you have the delusion a Format with exponentially higher complexity has a chance to ever be balanced?

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Is there a Reasonable reason behind this statement?

Why would they balance wild when they can repackage it for a premium?

Basic knowledge on statistics. The complexity of the problem increases exponentially(not linearly) as cards are added to the system and here you don’t even have a few more cards added but MULTIPLE MORE EXPANSIONS added to the problem.

As a result: and knowing they can barely balance Standard as it is (if at all): it’s approximately impossible to balance Wild (unless there are seismic shifts in the way the Devs operate in this game (e.g. they’d need more people working on it)).

Ok, this explains why people shouldn’t play Wild?.. sobriety👌
Does what you say apply only to Hearthstone or all collectible card games? :thinking:

It’s a general issue, especially if cards added are similarly strong. E.g. Titans and some Legendaries are already too broken to balance easily in Standard …and then you add QUESTLINES…? (and those are not even the only good cards added…)

The way i see it they should make the reward a location, so it cannot be spammed, also for odyn/ new brann make it the first time you gain armor/ battlecry you gain attack/double battlecry.

All deck where player canot react is a cancer!
and time warp need asap nerf simple “/one in game” - problem solved

Time Warp is not a location. When playing Wild expect to see Wild decks, not just Standard decks with Wild cards in them.

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Its an issue adding DLC?? It is obvious that this type of game branches out over time, it cannot remain static, it would rot. Anyone who doesn’t like enlargement should play poker.
Anyway, there is no logical reason to tell people not to play something, people can do what they want thank god :wink::+1:

They can do what that they want. But they whine they want BALANCE.

If they whine they want BALANCE: good luck finding in Wild.

Already found it years ago, but ty :relieved:

Try reading what i wrote… I know it’s not a location…

I think they gave a solid “reasonable reason” which proceeded what you quoted there, friend

Well said. And people want Monk and the other new DF class added to the game, not to mention FOUR expansions a year instead of three. From a BUSINESS stand point it sounds fantastic, but from a player’s it should be so so scary. As you said balance is the issue, and we sit in a meta where FOUR of ELEVEN classes sit at the top in Standard.

Now, I don’t play Wild, but I can see the frustration for Time Warp. It’s one of those feelsbad wins/losses. I feel sorry for players on both sides of the table to be frank. I don’t like the idea of deleting cards, but this is among the few I think just needs to go away.

Its reasonable to tell others not to play Wild?
Its the Sayans League, if you can’t handle that rot in Standard then mate :smile::smile:

For those who knows what to play Time Warp its an easy shot :yawning_face::yawning_face:

You can pick and choose what you want to read if you’d like


Shall we philosophize? Okay :smile:
Same goes for you then, everything is relative :relieved::ok_hand: