After 10 Years This Game Ends For Me, Shaman OTK Turn 5

Yeah, but I was surprised how interactive it is xD You have to clear each other’s totems and spell dmg if possible

My only mirror, I have no idea how I won. He went first, left me on 2 HP, I went immediately after, left him on 4. He had 4 cards in hand and somehow none of them had either dmg or board clear so he conceded.

I felt like I just won a lottery.

EDIT: rly?? 2 in a row warriors?

Never lucky.

Everyone is catching onto this deck. I would say DK is the most miserable match. They keep the board and you need 30 get them and you will never keep a board against them.

I’ve tried to hang in there, but the current xpac has broken me. The game simply isn’t fun anymore, and I find myself begrudgingly launching it now (only out of habit/addiction), just to rage quit after a couple matches where I felt as though I had zero chance to be competitive.

The power-creep and cheapness has gotten progressively worse with every expansion, and this time around, the game has crossed a line to where it’s absolutely insufferable.

I think it’s probably best for me to just drop out for a while.


Yup, exact same feelings, I will do the same


Paladins born them, when paladin are out of meta, these shamans would be dead to hunters and warriors

Having played this deck just now, assuming we are talking about donkeys build or something similar, the problem is obvious.

With flash of lightning this could otk turn 2 if you had enough cards. The only reason it waits until turn 6 is because you need that many turns to draw or generate enough burn.

Zero cost cards or really any effect that costs zero whatever it is nearly always results in broken things. Nerf flash of lightning this deck would be unplayable.

Better yet, nerf every single existing and future effect that discounts cards up read, but not lower than 1. They already started to do this in rogue, I don’t see why the hell they don’t see it as a problem in other classes.

If you don’t want to wait until a nerf to this deck my recommendation would be to run cult neophyte in every deck, double copies and hard Mulligan for it against shaman. Then when you see them flash of lightning play it that turn it will negate one copy of fol. If they double up you need to play stomper or double neophyte. If they discover multiple copies you are screwed.

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I feel the same frustration. I set up taunts, have full health, and by turn 7 I get killed. There’s literally nothing you can do to stop it.

I agree with you, and have posted similar things for some time, but always get flagged for spam when I do.
Good luck to you sincerely, though. I feel your disillusion.


This just isn’t true.

Obviously the deck isn’t OTKing without Flash of Lightning, which it would need to draw and cast by turn 5. Even if we assume an extra card drawn, the odds of drawing a two-of in the first 9 or 10 cards aren’t that great. Higher than 50% but lower than 60%. And that’s for just one of many pieces. Getting two out of five Spell Damage minions is also difficult.

The real odds of a turn 6 OTK with the deck are well below 50% but also above 10%. Which means that if you play enough it will eventually happen to you.

I mean, just look at the deck’s winrate. If it could consistently win turn 6 it’d be a 70% winrate deck. But it’s a Tier 2 deck because it, like lots of decks, tends to win around turn 7. If it didn’t tend to win around then it’d just lose to everything.

Didn’t have any problem winning with aggro hunter

Just wait people. Soon they’ll announce a damage cap in Constructed. :smile:

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They have Goldpanner for extra draw, Flowrider to discover the card in their deck and Lightning Reflexes to discover any combo piece missing. Obviously it won’t always happen by turn 6, but I don’t think saying it happens by turn 6 consistently is an understatement at all. Turn 5 is a highroll, turn 6 is pretty normal.

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Which leads one to wonder what type of degenerates would continue to play the deck!

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It cant be OP but somehow I’ve lost every time to it and haven’t seen it fail. 5X.
Even if its not OP its dumb design because its no fun.


I just won one against it.

Tried this so called OP deck. Went 0-8. Never drew Flash of Lightning once. Without it, it doesn’t work at all. Deck is not too good. Rigged card draw is.

Zero cost OTK is super dumb and this Shamen deck absolutely has to go!
But rogue abuses zero cost for 10 years so your post made me lol
Salty yellow snow

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The right solution for this issue and the future, all reduction cost cards should be not less than 1, like they did with the legendary rogue excavate minion.

Every single developer on Team 5 needs to go; the game is the worst it has ever been.


Agree, this otk early game meta has to go and fast.

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