A.F.Kay Getting Stolen

I’ve made a deck that is specifically meant to use A.F.Kay card to its best effect, but there is a problem I am encountering. You see, before playing this deck, the likelihood I would see Priest was low, and the likelihood that Priest would both run in their deck, and draw during the game by turn 6, a card named Cabal Shadow Priest, was next to 0.

So I made this A.F.Kay deck but there is a problem. All of my matches are against Priest now, and all of these Priests have used Cabal Shadow Priest to STEAL my A.F.Kay. The exact turn after I play it. I mean of course it is GG by that point but it got me wondering why this is happening? I swapped back to another deck and No more Priest appeared. I came back to try A.F.Kay one more time, and it was Priest…only this time they didn’t have Cabal Shadow Priest! Instead they used this card that STEALS A.F.Kay anyway. Like…how is this even possible? There has to be something going on behind the scenes to cause this, right? Or is Cabal Shadow Priest and Priest class really so prevant now that I haven’t heard about? But then why would the Priest stop showing up when I use a different deck? Can anyone explain this?

Do you have any hard numbers whatsoever to base this on? As in, actual links to actual records detailing every single match you’ve played, and what your opponents were, for at least 10 matches in a row per deck?

If yes, post proof, otherwise it’s just tin foil hat shenanigans.

And no, 10 matches in a row is not “relevant” in terms of establishing a hard statistical rule, but it is “enough” to establish a theoretical trending worthy of closer scrutiny.

I wrote out my experience, if there is any explanation for it I would love to hear it. How many Priest with Cabal Shadow Priest do you face? Just out of curiosity. Zero? One? I have faced 7 Priest in a row all with Cabal Shadow Priest to STEAL my A.F.Kay. You believe this is normal? I changed decks, now no more Priest. I change back, Priest again, with the same STEALING of my card I need specifically made the deck for it. Can you explain this for me please?

Alternatively, if you have any actual proof whatsoever:

So you can’t explain it…gotcha. Thank you for trying though, I agree it is deeply puzzling

I explained it perfectly. You have feels, but no facts. Have fun with your feels, bro

EDIT: In fact, just post THREE matches in a row. I’ll lower the bar to THREE priest encounters in a row. Surely you can manage that?

Where? I don’t see it

I have experience/evidence, idk where the feels are, can you show me?

I gave you many more than 3 matches, if there is somewhere you are struggling with reading comprehension I can try to clarify for you

It’s okay that you can’t explain it though, I agree it’s quite baffling

Links to the replays?

I already wrote them out, idk what is so difficult to understand about it. Again if you are having difficulty I can help, just show me what part confuses you

Remember this thread, is all I’ll say in this thread

my experience in wild. kept going up against kingsbane rogue (when it was a big thing), so i added the weapon thief pirate to my decks. suddenly, no more kingsbane. so i took them out after a while, only to face one after another, again

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Interesting…so this sort of thing happens to you as well? Any idea what is responsible?

at the time i figured it was the result of the matching algorithm deciding that the best match against the deck i was using then was that particular rogue deck. but when i included the card that could remove kingsbane, the algorithm started matching me against other people who didn’t use weapons in their deck. but that’s just my personal opinion

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This is obviously a joke.

Nobody plays AFKay and nobody plays kabal shadow priest

Not a joke…and thank you, that is exactly my point. So why is this happening?

Replays or it didnt happen

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Sorry idk how to do replays? Will I be able to go back in time to get the replays for you? I can assure you it happened. Sorta like how we don’t need replays to know the American Civil War happened. In this case we believe what was written and oral tradition passed down over time. Either you believe what is being said or you don’t…honestly, I don’t care either way, so you do you boo.