Add New Queue? Stop Bots

Is it time to add new queue called “Real Queue” which has a minimum 30 seconds wait time to find your opponent but the opponent is guaranteed go be real, is that even possible? The bots would just continue using regular queue and they’d face each other and then the real players can play in the real player queue? I only ask because I’ve been auto conceding searching for an actual person but the game is only queueing me with bots, but the queue only takes like 5 seconds…so why not just make a queue that takes a bit longer so the bots don’t use it, and a real player queue for actual people wanting to play? Because I want to play, just not against bots. Is there any money to be made for Blizz this way? I feel like this is a great idea and elegant solution to the bot problem

I am not sure, how this queue could be implemented. Because you would need a program that could recognize a bot. And if such a program existed, Blizzard would use it to ban them rather than create a second queue.

I believe (but may be wrong), with conceding you lower your mmr, so you face even more bots.

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No, you wouldn’t, there would be zero reason for the bots to queue for an extended wait time when they can just queue into the current queue immediately. This is a “natural” solution that basically implements itself and simply works.

Ah yes, the classic “I want to work but need experience to work, to get experience I need to work”, and also exactly why I am proposing this, if I don’t want to face bots so I concede, only to face more bots, when ALL I want is to face real players…it is a stupid cycle (I feel bad for newer players, all players actually, having to play a bot game when they want nothing to do with that nonsense)

Considering they all have names like g7g6b5gu3j and all have nearly the exact same deck with the only differences being based on class, I am not 100% convinced these bots, are 3rd party. I suspect that these bots exist because player counts are so low that queue times would be several minutes or longer and these bots are auto generated to mitigate that.

For a thrid party, there would be almost no reason to run the number of random named bots with identically bad aggro decks that exist right now. Nothing in hearthstone can be traded and its not like there would be alot of prestige to assuming an account at legend rank that is named h4h3hr8g8. Everyone would know exactly how you got to legend. If a bot is even capable of getting there. Then again the volume of bots is huge and someone could be trying to brute force it.


Now this is what I call hubris.

Please, elaborate, I’d love to hear why you think a bot would wait 30s-1min+ in the Real Player queue instead of continuing their instant matches against other bots in the regular/current queue.

That’s not the question you should be asking. What you should be asking is: why would a human being wait an additional 30 seconds or more for a more difficult matchup? Bots are easy.

I already asked that question (to play against a real person and not a bot). Did you not read?

It is not about easy or not, it is about worth/value of time and wanting a genuine experience in a theoretically multiplayer game. It’s like you’re saying “batting cages are easy, what’s the big deal” but failing to realize I do not care one bit about batting cages, batting cages are the only thing being provided, and I only care about the actual game of baseball, actually playing with/against other actual people.

Okay well only you and like six other people actually care that much, 99% of human beings are going to pick the “bot” queue because no wait, and you’re going to be waiting a lot longer than 30 seconds for a matchup because nobody’s going to use it.

There are far more than 6 of us who are sick and tired of facing at least 50% Bots (look around at more discussion online). I offer a simple easy elegant solution. Ah dang, I just noticed it’s you, nvm idk why I wasted my time replying

They can’t even separate casual out into a proper menu, how are they gonna do it for the bot and non-bot queues? And how would they even be labeled for the playerbase? If they say they are implementing it for the bots, they would be admitting that they don’t have them under control, and that isn’t going to happen. The whole idea seems pretty ridiculous difficult and unlikely rather than simple easy and elegant

I explained how it could/would/should be done. It is really not that complicated. Though I do agree it won’t happen because it would be akin to admitting failure and admitting official death of the game as it is mostly bots.

You seem to want a fast Q, but against real humans.
You get fast Qs with bots.

Am i getting this?

No, you aren’t, so I will clarify your seeming discrepancy. The time I listed (30s+) is arbitrary. We could make it 1 min minimum wait time. 2 minutes. I really don’t care (I figured 30s was longer than bots would be willing to wait, but if it has to be 5 min queue to ensure only real people would wait for it, so be it).

The only thing I want is to face actual people. Really shouldn’t be so challenging or difficult an ask for a multiplayer game. And so since it hasn’t been done yet. I am offering up this solution. I hope this helps you to “get it”, if you have any more concerns I am happy to clear up any problem points on the matter (so far as I can imagine myself, the only argument against such a thing would be it’d be a bad look for Blizz to basically admit they can’t manage the problem, or that it might cost them a bit (miniscule, but still) of money to implement but I believe the returns they would recieve and faith in the game restored and returning players would far outweigh any such investment, aka it’s very worth the effort).

I don’t think that’s possible.

I realize you want to play ranked with humans but you might need to compromise for a solution. If what you want is to play with humans, i would recommend trying 1 or 2 games in casual.

At least, you’ll know about it. Helps making an enlightened decision.

I take it you haven’t played casual much…lol

Also, anything is possible if the will is there. The bots persist because the will is not there. That’s a whole other deep dive/conversation.

Do the labels really matter? It’s just two buttons where one adds a 30 second wait before your match starts and the other doesn’t. You could label them literally anything, doesn’t matter. OP literally thinks that the solution to botting is just an additional queue option that makes you wait more.

No, I think it’s a silly idea for a number of reasons. In my head the answer was something like the bot and non-bot queues which made me laugh with its absurdity

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It’s not just in your head. That’s literally what he’s saying. But also with “non-bot queue waits extra 30 seconds to 2 minutes.”

So obviously every human with sense would self-identify as a bot. Which OP apparently can’t even comprehend. Noobs would pay the noob tax until they figure it out. It’d just be strictly worse.

If every human with sense wants to play with bots, yes. If they want to play with humans, they will enter the human queue and wait the extra time to ensure the matchup is real person vs real person.

It would be called queue and real queue, queue is the same queue we have now which is infested by bots. The real queue will be a branch of the queue dedicated for real players to face other real players. Idk how absurd this is, to me it is far more absurd when most matches are against bots and nothing is actually done about it. Hence my suggestion.