Add Auto-Squelch or Remove the "Thank You" Emote

how do you know …they are silent

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Your magic shall not save you!

Scroll up and look at the amount of likes on posts against compared to posts for one.

I know its a REALLY small sample size for these forums but far more woudl rather have one.

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Ask yourselves this question:

“Why would people spam “anti” posts in a thread about a minor feature that a LOT of people would clearly appreciate with a bunch of condescending, negative tone, spiteful posts, full of specious arguments and personal attacks?”

There are many possible answers, but most of them are probably too insulting to post, so I’ll refrain.

I’m in favor of an auto squelch, especially for tablet. And the fact that MTGA has had it for a long time and suffered no apparent negative effects should tell us something about the “anti” case.


Its pretty obvious, unfortunately. And disregarding the fanatical Blizzard base side, and then ignoring the forum contrarian side, the ones that are left (if I’ve been interpreting them correctly) shouldn’t be arguing against auto squelch but should instead have their own threads pushing for a more robust chat option. Which, as someone who will never give Hearthstone money until autosquelch is added and the dust economy is adjusted, I would absolutely support. I’d love to have in game, opt in chat.

That being said, I maintain (and echo others) in believing we’ll never get an answer cause the truth would be incredibly unpopular. I speculate that they use emotes to sell hero skins, and considering that squelching doesn’t stop the random "Hello"s that annoy-o still generates I feel like I’m onto something.


This is probably the correct answer, honestly.

If they feel that hero skins are sold with emoting as part of their value and auto-squelch would decrease that value by a non-zero amount by increasing the frequency of permanently squelched opponents and therefore marketing them via their oh-so-cool emotes by a non-zero amount, it’s not unfathomable that some (or a majority) of their position on the matter is driven by auto-squelch being a potential revenue killer to some degree.

I’m not defending the reasoning listed above, but it wouldn’t shock or strike me as terrible to learn that it was the case.


Btw I’m starting a petition to rename this thread “battle of the bubbles”

They can’t…they have no argument but their emotional displeasure.

How they handle real world must be awful…if a canned phrase is enough to trigger them.

I wonder how any of them would fare in a REAL game; sitting at a poker table with live players, for example. Probably get eaten alive, running away crying, or just pee themselves.

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That’s such a dumb comparison, people don’t act the same rl as they do on an Internet forum

No more or less intelligent than the arguments presented here.

It’s a fantasy game. Not worth getting triggered by canned emotes.

And these players complaining how their emote-spamming opponents are getting them triggered in an anonymous setting…that isn’t dumb?

Keep digging… I’ve already got my muck boots on.

Never considered that angle. You may be onto something here…

Uh, no? I am a fairly well-adjusted, intelligent person, just like very popular streamers who squelch every game, and it isn’t dumb. I would like to be able to concentrate and not have to suffer the poor sportsmanship from the anonymous horde of immature Blizzard customers.

BTW, I don’t need a squelch toggle when I play on EU. Only on NA.


A well mannered player will not allow unbridled emotion to ruin the gaming experience for self or others due to another’s antics. Part of the fun in a game is the playful chicanery, overt displays of confidence, or intentional befuddling of an opponent. As long as it was not spammed, you should not have felt the need to visit this forum to recommend that an emote be auto-muted or suggest that it could be removed.

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So you’re telling me how I should feel in response to your obnoxious emotes?

Fun for you, perhaps. Not fun for others.

Again, stop telling people how they should feel. People feel how they feel.

We’re not suggesting this. Stop making things up.

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The name of the thread suggests the removal of the “Thank You” emote.

Fair point. I thought that person was suggesting that people want all emotes removed. I don’t want emotes removed. In fact, I’ve even supported those who have requested more emotes and in game chat. I just choose not to participate in any of that sort of “interaction” with strangers. So I squelch my opponent every match. My opponent can continue emoting all he wants; I just won’t see it on my end. And since I (and many others) are squelching at the start of every match anyway, why not just simplify that process by adding a toggle in the options menu?

Grow up dude the reason is QUALITY of LIFE period. If you can’t understand that then there is no hope for you.

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Why do people always try to tell others how they should feel about something?
if you ONLY argument is telling someone how they should feel you have already lost the argument.

I hate Trump you might love him and that is fine because we are all human and all have different personalities. So keep that in mind next time you want to tell someone how they should think…

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Deck tracker has an auto-squelch addon you can install. I started using it last month (been playing on and off since beta) and it made the game a lot less frustrating on many occasions. You can take all your greetings, and wows, and thank yous, and wellplayeds, and… keep using them while I don’t see any of it thankfully =)

Funny thing is that most people don’t say anything when they’re losing. But soon as they start winning they can’t keep their mouth shut. Sportmanship my butt - most people just want to gloat. But that’s nothing new. So yeah auto squelch is awesome. lol

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There should be an autosquelch feature in the forums for all these autosquelch threads that keep popping up.

This is a non issue for the game.

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