Adaptive Amalgam is Kingsbane as Minion

This is Kingsbane as a minion?

Isnt this a bit op for classes like Paladin and DK?

Epic · Minion · Perils in Paradise · This has all minion types. Deathrattle: Shuffle this into your deck. It keeps any enchantments.

Legendary · Weapon · Kobolds and Catacombs · Always keeps enchantments. Deathrattle: Shuffle this into your deck.

i guess, if you tutor one minion (it) somehow over and over and keep buffing it.

Paladin already has such a minion (Wild only at this point):
Epic · Minion · Rastakhan’s Rumble · Deathrattle: Shuffle this into your deck. It keeps any enchantments.

The effect is not as broken an effect as you may think on a minion, while you can set up various combos with it, it’s way too slow for most matches.

Seems a “must” for Mech decks :yum:


Few key differences:

1st, it doesn’t have charge, and no one in standard can give it that.

2nd, tutoring it back out of your deck repeatedly is a bit tougher.

3rd, it’s a minion, so silence, transform, and mind control effects will all shut down the card, where kingsbane had none of those options for quite a while, and even now only has a single card that can steal it. Also Reno and Sargeras exists to shut down the amalgam.

4th, it keeps all enchantments, even bad ones, which are easier to land on minions. Amitus sets it to a 2/2? Well, it’s a 2/2 now. DK give it -5/-5? Well, it forever has that too (and could become a 0/0 minion you can’t even play).

So it’s slower due to having no immediate board impact, and inherently easier to deal with from a much wider variety of cards.


But Hunter can give it pseydo charge + rush
Rare · Spell · TITANS · Give a minion +2 Attack and

Does this also count as enchantment btw?

Epic · Minion · TITANS · Magnetic, Rush Can Magnetize to Mechs and Beasts.

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Incoming 1 mana 1/1 mech with charge and magnetic :joy:

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Yes it would.

And yes, hunter can do that, but it’s still pretty crazy slow and requires a lot of moving pieces.

You’ll probably be dead before your amalgams become overly threatening unless you can also give them lifesteal, rush, big stats, AND trample.

… It’s a lot to ask.

Kingsbane was a LOT simpler to power up and you didn’t have to worry about it dying before it attacked 3 times, or getting shut down in a million ways.


Kingsbane can be tutored with Cavern Shinyfinder, has far more relevant buffs like lifesteal and card draw, has 3 charges, is easy to get to 15 attack by turn 5 ot 6, and swings face the moment you equip it. How on earth does the OP thing these two are even remotely similar?

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The speed is what killed Immortal Prelate as a combo piece.

Sure it’s amazing when it does work out (ie. the opponent durdles for 15 turns). But it’s not likely going to be competitive. And “infinite” decks are not a good win-con anyways.

I think you meant Cavern Shinyfinder, Stickyfingers is the one that steals a weapon (and is basically the only direct counter to Kingsbane). Minor thing, but let’s not make people look for the wrong card.

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You can tutor this guy. The every tribal tag makes that simple enough to do in several classes.

Just… Making it threatening is a huge ask, and it’s so, SO much easier to shut down.

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True but then you’d have to be careful, like not including beasts as Hunnter.

Yep. That’s part of the reason I don’t really expect this to ever be particularly good.

Unless you are in a class that can tutor 1 tribe that you can minimize and buff it with another tribe synergy, the card is likely to stay pretty irrelevant.

(Not counting other weird interactions, like death growling the deathrattle onto something already good)

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Hunter seems like one with mech and beasts but it has few buffs. Paladin is an obvious pick. All the buffs were booted to wild for priest.

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And it’s far simpler to use the octopus as a AABJ target.

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That doesn’t work.

If you attack a 1/1 with the octopus buffed with AaBJ, you deal 2 face damage and then the minion takes 24


Ah, they clarified how it works? I hadn’t seen that.



i saw the explantaion posted on the reddit sub

Magnetic doesn’t count as effects yeah, we learned this from Battlegrounds