Won’t be so strong if it gets silenced, which there’s at least 1 neutral silence in standard that comes right to mind.
it should keep magnetic enchantments too
first thing im going to try to counter this card is freezing and killing it to see if they stay frozen the first turnt hey play it
it should keep reverberations effect too
It does have the potential to be OP because you can run 2 of them and you can tutor them with multiple cards (the new Grillmaster card is one way to do it)
I’m just wondering if those types of decks running it aren’t a bit too slow
Maybe it could fit in with the Incindius + gaslight combo? For faster cycling
Grillmaster could draw both the 1-drop and the incindius in a carefully crafted deck
If it becomes a thing theres silence or steal effects for it. Dont see it as an overly worrying minion though. Probably moderately annoying in paladin as just another midgame thing to deal with to stay out of otk range while they handbuff everything.
Prelate was very much a meta card when it existed in standard. Nobody should be sleeping on this amalgam, especially with DK being able to populate any death rattle onto it
I’m gonna help out a bit here because I have extensive play with Paladin using Prelate and I feel I can shed a tiny bit of light on this Amalgam
#1 - Prelate isn’t really that strong because silence/morph/yogg mind control/bounce all exists. None of this exists for Kingsbane. Thus, Prelate going on and on and on is and was extremely hard to pull off. Kingsbane has literally 1 minion that counters it directly and that’s the weapon stealing Pirate. Steamcleaner type of effects COULD work, but most Kinsgbane Rogues protect that by destroying the weapon and immediately drawing it. Thus, Kingsbane has almost no counter play while Prelate and now this Amalgam will have TONS of counter play.
#2 - Don’t let all that counterplay fool you. Sure, the Amalgam in some classes will be somewhat of a joke. So your Hunter can give it +3+3 with the secret. Buff it up big. There’s not a lot of silence or deck removal tools like there are in Wild. But Yogg mindcontrol and excavate bounce exists. If things got disgustingly OP, Rogue also can remove it and all other instances of it with Shiv. So, don’t expect this minion to be some devastating powerhouse like Kingsbane is. Let’s be real, Floppy Hydra and Student of the Stars see zero play for a reason.
#3 - All that being said, you shouldn’t sleep on this card when we take into account DK. DK can play Reska and this minion, copy the minions Deathrattle onto Reska, and now the DK has infinite Reska…THAT is scary. But it does require some set up and requires DK to run the Amalgam and the Deathrattle spell that it currently doesn’t run in any deck. So is that worth it? Maybe. If ANY class ends up breaking this minion, we should expect DK to do it first.
#4 - Lastly, take everything I said and apply it to standard only. Wild is a different case. Sure, there will be super crazy and fun combos in Wild, but they all require big set ups and big set up decks don’t work in wild because aggro is king.
So all in all, this card likely will see very little play in standard, if any, and what little play it sees will likely end up in DK decks. If you see it in Wild, you’re likely facing a meme/fun deck that might feel like a crazy deck, but it’s certainly getting pulverized in Wild by every other meta deck out there.
And I will 100% be using this in those wild decks and a standard DK deck, because it seems super fun but likely very weak.
you can counter it with combos like weapon removal while deathwarden is out
you seem to have played prelate
does freezing count as an enchantement ? if i freeze and kill it on the same turn will be frozen the next time is played /summoned?
No, freezing doesn’t keep the freeze from what I remember. Shuffling things in the deck reset stuff like dormant/freeze, etc. It DOES keep enchantments from minions and debuffs though. So if your first Amalgam comes on board via Elise as a 5/5 copy, that minion goes back in the deck as a 5/5. Same thing if you have a 100/100 and Paladin makes it a 1/1, it stays a 1/1. But Freeze stuff are considered temporary buffs if that makes sense.
Sure, but every Rogue I’ve played against in wild has the draw weapon cards still in hand. They run like 4-6 weapon drawing cards, if not more.
deathwarden prevents DR from activating so it never gets shuffled if you use weapon removal while is out
Oh, I see what you’re saying. That’s fairly clever I suppose. But I can’t imagine anyone running that in ETC instead of the weapon stealing Pirate.
i run it on my main deck ive encountered so many deathrattles in wild
and since its an aura i can nuke the board with it out and still blocks deathrattles
some people find that the hard way like the druids who tried to trigger mechatun with seeds while warden was out
Oh that sounds quite evil, I love it.
My favorite anti-Mechathun is Bad Luck Albatross. So many players have no idea how it works. You play Albatross right before they are about to Mechathun. They see Albatross on board but think Mechathun will go off first. They emote. They play Mechathun. Then there is this awkward pause as you can see they are wondering why they didn’t just win. Then reality sets in and their hero blows up.
Never gets old.
I run one death growl (only a D5 player) just cause the combos are so fun.
doubling up the puppet DR then yodel = 8/8 added to a quilter or nerubian or bounced HP minion before reno can clear. If not, there is another 8/8 in buffs coming to them from board.
Or spreading reska
Or if you discover Cage Head through toy geist spread to Hero power minion.
Really excited to see what DK cards come in the set
I would be quite hesitant to extrapolate any Battlegrounds mechanic into Standard.
Oh thats a great idea!! i like that. I still wonder if it would rly keep it after it survives 1 turn later on. Maybe those turn based effects overwirte everything else.
off topic: Did you know that Freezing Titans is stopping their SPecial effects?
Was surprising to see first time
hahahha i can see this
I mean, yeah, if you compare ability and cost and disregard everything else you are right, practically the same card
I can’t wait for someone to try to play this and a DK gives it -5/-5 and turns it into a 0/0 that shuffles back into your deck.
Outed yourself as a MtG player lol
I play a little of it. It’s just a less wordy way to describe the effect than hearthstone or yugioh does
Team 5 is horrible with keywords. And even if they introduce one then they forget it after the expansion is done.