Adaptive Amalgam and Class Progress bugs

Hello everyone,

Adaptive Amalgam doesn’t keep Divine Shield when it’s resummoned, at least from the deck via Trusty Fishing Rod. I’m noticing it in standard from Camouflage Mount and in Wild from the original Zilliax.

I could see a reasoning that when a minion with Divine Shield loses it, it gets new charasteristics and therefore it’s permanently gone but I don’t think this is intended.

The same was true with Stealth from Camouflage Mount, but since the “bonus effect” was changed latelty, it’s not relevant anymore. Although someone might want to play it in Rogue and magnetize the Stealth mech onto it.

Also today I noticed another bug: new wins don’t appear in Class Progress until I relaunch the game. I’m 44 wins away from my first golden hero portrait and I gave up playing today because I thought my wins did count.

Best regards

P.S. This is my second post ever here. I hope if anyone at Blizzard sees this, they’d take the time to read my first post. It’s a suggestion about premium cards.

This is intended. Amalgam does not gain keywords so if divine shield and stealth is consumed it does not reappear.

Restarting the client fixes the quest bug for now.


I’ve been messing around with the adaptive amalgam as well. I noticed that when you copy the floppy hydra’s deathrattle onto the adaptive amalgam, no copies are made. I had a fun idea to make amalgam infinite with the thunderbringer’s deathrattle, magnetizing ziliax onto it, copying Eliza’s deathrattle onto it, then floppy hydra’s (extra deathgrowls via tidepool pupil) I succeeded after about 12 losses in a row… (It’s hard to play fun ideas in wild legend, people kill you SO FAST!) BUT I did finally do all of this, and it made no coppies at all. It DOES however pull new floppy hydras if the one on the field died thanks to thunderbringer’s deathrattle. Any idea why it doesn’t properly copy floppy hydra’s deathrattle onto adaptive amalgam anyone?

considering trying again, but copying adaptive amalgam’s deathrattle onto hydra instead, just to get more minions shuffled into the deck

I’m no expert but I think when Amalgam’s deathrattle happens before the Hydra’s deathrattle, the Hydra’s deathrattle has nothing to shuffle back anymore. I think the same would happen if you’d put the Amalgam’s deathrattle onto the Hydra; you’d shuffle the Hydra back with doubled attack but you wouldn’t get a copy of it.

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