Activision Stop Ruining Blizzard

Seriously, we all know you’re money hoarding, poor employee treating, crank out content without care of quality selves are pushing the ‘SPAM CONTENT NOW’ button in attempt to increase sales. But you are -LITERALLY- ruining this company and all of it’s content.

Go away, no one here wants you. We when it comes down to it I’m sure you’ll only be left with a solid 15% of your original player base before long.


Problem is, because of Activision, we are now left with only 15% of the original Blizzard, since so many already left in frustration. Sadly, it’s way too late to get back the good old days.


Capitalism has slain another Hero.

It’s especially sad for me because I fell in love with Blizzard when I got Warcraft (1). Being older means seeing many of your champions fall…


You do know that blizzard and activision merged before this game came out right?

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Do you think we should make a revolution and create communism?


Oh, Activision merged with Blizzard? I can’t wait to play Minecraft when it becomes available to play in 1 year after this news.

It’s a lost cause. Blizzarddoen’t exist anymore- literally. They merged.

This isn’t an issue like with what Bethesda did, that can’t happen because the official name is Activision Blizzard.

Nobody likes this, but it’s the truth. Not even the employees.

Communist revolution, anyone?

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LOL if the communist revolution north americans have planned is the one that includes jazz hands, you guys are effing toast.

Its not activision, blizzard is dying from whats called californication. IT rots every company based in california.

Diversity is a killer.


It isn’t.

We have a new coworker by us. He knows nothing of Hearthstone but lots about WoW. He says the same thing about Blizzard like the Hearthstone ppl, just talks about how WoW got killed off instead.


Okay google. Define anecdotal evidence.

Except it is, blizzard is hiring incompetent people to fill diversity quotas. You can blame activision all you want but when you pass up more qualified people for the sake of diversity you get the current sh.itshow we have in all blizz games.

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it’s already happening. interest is so much lower each new expansion. viewer counts and players have been declining pretty quickly for over a year now.

You are so right !

But Blizzard has been about SPAM CONTENT ever since 2009.

They install cookies, read your moveset, and your card decks in real-time.

And MATCH FIX you and 1.000’s of others versus a handfull of around the 900 players, that are paid by blizzard themselves.

To slow down your progress, and to try and motivate you to buy card packs for new expansions.

By the time people realise that a new stupid monkey generation has grown into their teeny years and pays them for FAKE GAMEPLAY.

In a game they PROMOTE as free to play.

Some other games want to move away from the blizzard platform.

And in other games they do the same.

  • Heroes of the Storm.
  • Match fixing people into pre-recorded games with BOTS to slow your progress down.

-World of Warcraft

  • Selling gold.
  • Banning you from loot inside real RAIDS, ( Not the RAID FINDER ) crap loot.
    Hiring people and paying them in free other blizzard goodies, to ruin your raid experience !
  • Diablo
  • Influencing your Seasonal Loot, so their PAID BLIZZARD streamers always end up on top of you !
  • Destiny 2
  • Match fixing and allowing AIM-BOTS for blizzard hired players !!!
  • Overwatch…
  • Slightly inctreasing damage of BLIZZARD hired teams, accroding to my data-farming and code analyzing, sometimes they use increased damage of just 0.001 more then NORMAL numbers resulting in you being dead.
    Granting their teams dishonest wins !

See it does not matter what game you play in Blizzard APP.

You will always have an disadvantageous compared to Blizzards own hired People.

Most of them are ugly, have no real life, Look like a Gorilla with CHEAP make-up over their pimple-heads.

And smell off Urinated Toilet that has not been cleaned for a single week !!!


Good for them , until they are spiked in hell that is !

Good luck to them, i ain’t gonna save the failures…

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You’re blaming the middle man.

Sure, Activision and other large corporate publishers are soulless money grubbers who exist only to take your money. True that.

The thing is, they are pretty good at doing precisely that and continuing to optimize to do it even better.

The key ingredient here? Actually taking your money. Which happens only when you give it to them. This is a key feedback loop.

You can blame the corporate publishers, but the thing is, if the money stopped they’d stop. Pretty much on a dime.

The players have only one group to blame, and that’s themselves.

Well, on my more cynical days, I’d say older school players like myself who remember the golden days of games sold only for up front cost and everything that followed being purely for maximum entertainment, like to blame the new school players who endorsed “free to play” (hardly), “pay to win” or at least “real money affects in game results even if just cosmetic” etc.

To those people who made this all take off like a particularly invasive weed, I say, thanks for blowing it for the rest of us.

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Oddly, this guy is my new favorite poster. You have absolutely NO IDEA what’s going to come out of his mouth… and it’s always outrageous.

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I’ll never forgive Activision and EA for ruining Game of Thrones…


Techinically untrue. The company Blizzard still exists, the same for Activision as well. But both of these companies, as well as King, (makes Candy Crush) are managed under their parent company, Activision Blizzard. A bit confusing. The reason Blizzard is feeling Activision’s effects now is because the guy who was running Blizzard and kept Activision’s greed in check is gone. (Can’t remember is name.) Since that guy stepped down, Activision now has much greater control over Blizzard and is forcing them to become more like them.

Eh? They merged in 2008 and since then technically Activision and Blizzard are dead names. (As they operate under one merged name, Activision Blizzard.)

However with the increasing greediness with Activision, they’ve basically started forcing hands and controlling the devs that were originally under Blizzard.

The end all be all, is that they won’t separate, no matter how much it wants to happen. Let’s just keep up pressure on T5 and see how things go.