I need some advise please. I am trying to do the demon hunter achievement from the mini set, “I’m a Weirdo”. “Attack 18 times with zerg under the effect of a single Creep Tumor”. At the moment my highest is 13.
You have 3 turns to do it, but you first need to get enough zerg in your hand, wait for opponent to have enough minions to attack, and survive long enough to get to that point.
My current deck tries to draw as much zerg as possible. And I included Joymancer Jepetto to return my zerglings. But just not getting there at the moment.
I tried googling for achievement hunting but have not found a lot. Almost nothing for the new mini set.
Any advise would be appreciated.
I don’t know, but I’d also like to know. So far I have noted “probably needs Reborn or similar”.
Nevermind. I managed it.
Went wild, used Final showdown to reduce costs. A lot of card draw. Used Jepetto to get the zerglings back, as well as High Inquisitor Whitemane to resummon the ones that died.
well you already did it, otherwise i would have recommended a deathrattle shaman. kelthuzad and baron rivendare and then as much possible spells wich gives your minions "resummon this when dead"or “return to hand on death” together with a reincarnate to trigger it
Those achievements never require Wild by the way, or at least I haven’t noticed one,
but obviously some Wild cards cheese them.
I did not even consider doing it with another class…
But how would you get Creep Tumor in shaman? There are some spell generators, but the chances of getting the right one are slim, I would think.
They don’t require wild, but it’s often more efficient to do them that way.
Yeah I know, but it can be subjectively fun to try to do them “properly”. But unfortunately some are annoyingly much easier with Wild cards.
Eg some of them need “kill 6 [or 7] opponent minions with one blow of <thing>” but there’s a Wild card that just spawns 7 opponent 1/1s.
That turns an achievement that needs “waiting for dozens of games for it to happen” to “lol just play 1 card at round 10”.
oh damn you are right shamans are terrans and not zerg, i thought all classes could play each when i typed that
Haven’t pulled it off, but if you can get “Viper” from the spawn of “Brood Queen” it will massively help. Keep an eye out for that
If you do not want to rely on getting lucky with brood queen and get a viper from her at the right moment, or praying that your zerg minions survive your opponent’s turn so you can attack with them again, you should do the following:
1.) play questline demon hunter in wild
2.) only play zergling, spawning pool (for more zerglings), nydus worm (to draw zerglings) and creep tumor (duh!) as your zerg cards
3.) as you only have 6 (12) zerglings available, but you need 18 attacks, you need Brann which gives you 18 total zerglings by duplicating their battlecry.
4.) as I know from my own sad experience, something always goes wrong, so you need additional backup in the form of Celestial Projectionist. Brann + Zergling + Projectionist = 9 Zerglings.
5.) you will probably not complete the achievement within one turn, and Brann is always killed on sight, so you have to add Saloon Brewmaster to return him to your hand at the end of your turn and do the same trick again until you reach 18 attacks.
6.) the last obstacle is that your opponent probably will not have enough creatures to run into. Therefore you add Terrorguard Escapee, which gives your oppenent 3 (6 with Brann) additional creatures to run into.
The resulting deck looks somehow like this:
the questline (13 cards)
1 Final Showdown
10 assorted card draw (Patches the Pilot, Sigil of Alacrity, Quick Pick, Spectral Sight, Paraglide, Glide, Gaslight Gatekeeper, Need for Greed, Sigil of Time, …)
the combo (15 cards)
2 Zergling
2 Spawning Pool
2 Nydus Worm
2 Creeping Tumor
1 Brann Bronzebeard
2 Saloon Brewmaster
2 Celestial Projectionist
2 Terrorguard Escapee
something that buys you time (2)
2 Eye Beam (or similar)
Good Luck!
The key is to realize that Lurker and Mutalisk cannot help you to complete the achievement, because they are expensive even if you get to attack with them, they kill so many opposing minions with their extra effects that there is nothing left for your zerglings to run into.
Even the route by generating a Viper from Brood Queen requires a board of zergs on your side and a large enough minion in your opponent’s hand that you have to hit.
I hit to 20 with this deck in Wild, against a Control Priest.
Achievement Demon Hunter
Class: Demon Hunter
Format: Wild
2x (1) Feast of Souls
1x (1) Final Showdown
2x (1) Sigil of Alacrity
2x (1) Spawning Pool
2x (1) Zergling
1x (2) Audio Amplifier
2x (2) Creep Tumor
2x (2) Quick Pick
2x (2) Saloon Brewmaster
2x (2) Spectral Sight
2x (3) Abyssal Depths
1x (3) Brann Bronzebeard
2x (3) Celestial Projectionist
2x (3) Nydus Worm
2x (3) Paraglide
1x (3) Terrorguard Escapee
1x (4) Glide
1x (5) Emperor Thaurissan