About the Survey

EDIT: Nothing about the Survey… just an advice: You should focus on hidden mechanics in the cards which you didn’t notice I have to believe… not the keywords are the problem… the problems are the other mechanics which you created durring the last few years: Handmanipulation, enemy deck destroy, endless mana cheat, OTK, Powerful mass buffs, and mass removers. Endless card discovery, resource generating. Too much armor build for some classes while others have none. Battlecries trigger 3 times for some classes while others it trigger only once… Created too many random generated cards and spells which are able to make the enemy fail too easy… RNG controls too many things so skills doesn’t matter much in a lot of games. You created a card again which is a cheat in itself, letting chose 3 times from 3 options instead of 1 was also a huge mistake… we are not seeing it yet because everyone is focusing on the Unkilliax army now… but we will soon. These are the hidden mechanics which are killing the game nice and slow… in my opinion. You should rather focus on less OP card designs so skills will matter again instead of over power…

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Not another one… I dont get why people cant seem to remember what they just agreed to prior and post survey lol. Its like they want to get themselves actioned.

I stopped taking the surveys when they started to include a NDA condition, so that players are no longer allowed to discuss the contents of the surveys. That’s some sketchy stuff, IMO.

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I am sorry but I didn’t reveal any answers I gave or questions… just the subject… and since they asked from me… I think I have the right to write some other important information because I believe they are still on the wrong track… I didn’t say any exact data about the survey I think. They asked our opinion about the content on other channels as well. But if they think I broke the agrement, then remove my thread… I can’t do it anymore anyway I think because the forum usually not allow us…

They don’t give you a copy of what you signed
The moment you click “Next” you can’t consult the survey contract anymore.
That would be enough in many cases to invalidate any action taken against you for breaking rules you don’t have access to

On another topic people tend to think that what is written in a contract is a golden rule, which is far from the truth.
Any clause that would break a law or even simply be considered unreasonable is considered abusive and is considered not written
Contracts can’t bypass laws by inventing their own ones, there are obligations and limitations for a contract to be valid. If it’s not valid it’s a gentlemen agreement at best.

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The troll never fails to entertain.

you have every chance to screenshot or print the terms and conditions. thats not on them to provide for you. Many TOS or T&Cs are simple click I agree scenarios. you are correct about not being able to enforce unreasonable or illegal things. But thats not what is being brought up here lol. Just that your account is liable if you are found to breach the agreement not to disclose anything in the survey, or even that you took the survey i believe, might need some verification about that point in particular. The liability one would face would most certainly be having their account being actioned for such breach. Temp Game Ban, Forum Silence/Ban, etc. I mean it was clearly laid out what you cannot do after the survey and I dont think they left the option on the table for openly discussing the survey on the forums. lol.

You laugh, but Blizz is in direct violation of the NDA I made them sign, when I told them I like to disguise toast.

Absolutely wrong.
You are presented the agreement only once with no mention that you won’t have a chance to read them ever again.
What you’d expect from any survey is that if there’s a “Next” button there’s also a “Back” button. Not here. You are not even signing anything, I don’t even remember a checkbox. Just a next button and then the terms are gone forever.

You can consult them afterhand in most of said scenarios.
Hearthstone doens’t give you a copy of their TOS but you can find them very easily on their website. At any point in time you can consult what you agreed to.

“On another topic” was explicit enough to already tell it was not related.

And there we have the exact reason why a contract cannot be accounted for if one of the parties involved doesn’t have access to the terms they agreed on.
How are you going to verify that ?
You cannot not break a contract if you are maliciously not allowed to consult what you are not allowed to do during the period of effectiveness of said contract.

You can argue that there are a lot of passive contracts in life that do not even need your signature or explicit terms of agreement. Enter a restaurant, eat, pay (or pay, eat). It’s nowhere to be written for you to sign that you agree to pay them in exchange for your food. But following the theory of unjust enrichment, it’s only normal that you wouldn’t be eating for free (especially with the cost of items being displayed). This would be common sens.

But how does it apply to a survey ? Wouldn’t the roles be flipped here ? We are the ones providing a service, and data, with nothing in return.
Terms of agreement for surveys can heavily vary from one another. Nothing is implied if you don’t have the rules being accessible at any time.

  • Here’s the list of the 54 things you are not allowed to do in the next 15 years
  • Ok
  • 5 minutes later
  • Wait what was the first thing already ?
  • Can’t tell
  • Can I check back the contract I just agreed on ?
  • Nope, and it’s final
  • But I’m literaly on the first question of the survey that is the next page following the agreement page
  • Yup, you’d better have copied our entire contract and stored it on your personnal storage for the next 15 years
  • How could I have known it was something I had to do ? Why can’t I just consult it again on your side ?
  • None of our problems

Knowing that companies have enforced obligations and individuals have enforced protection laws against abusive contracts, I bet the above example (which is our case) would lead nowhere if the companie was actively sueing someone.
But sure Blizz can keep it in their yard and just ban people if they want. I think the player would eventually win if they were the ones to take them to court, but I doubt any one would go that far because of how much it would cost and how long it would take.

And at what point while going over those 54 things did you not think it important to make your own copy of that list? Did you just click next making an assumption of some kind? Im pretty sure the other party also had certain assumptions of you when you go to click next or in your 2nd point, OK.

Which is what the terms of the survey spell out for you so you know what you are getting into prior to clicking Next to begin taking the survey.

But you are being disingenuous with your example scenario as that isnt remotely the same thing as what is being presented in the start of the survey. They give you a pretty concise and clear list of 1 thing they expect of you not to breach, disclosure of the contents of the survey to others. I am 100% sure of that simple thing they are expecting of all (non blizzard) parties involved taking their survey. Not 54 things you arent allowed to do for the next 15 years. This is a wild exaggeration and isnt an accurate example of what is to be expected. I get you have artistic license to use hyperbole, but it only works when it makes any sense. The only thing I claimed I am not 100% on is if you are even allowed to disclose you took the survey at all. Personally I dont see that as much of a transgression as compared to disclosure of any of the topics or choices or answers given in said survey. I doubt any action would be taken on disclosure of merely taking the survey, however I do think it would be 100% in their ability to action someone that disclosed survey topics, answers given, options presented, etc from the survey. As that is the only expectation made clear at the start of the survey they do have of the survey takers.

Its a pretty simple and explicit agreement that if followed to its logical conclusion and cost were not an issue to overcome, if it went to court to decide if the agreement the survey taker has been breached by the survey taker, then the actions by the survey provider for said breach would be enforceable and clearly agreed upon ahead of time.

The primary purpose of most of the HS surveys has been to figure how many players will or will not go down the rabbit holes for the ways that they are considering to further monetize the game.

Occasionally, they want know reasons why a player might quit playing HS.

Yes, I believe that too so I just tried to help by aiming at something they didn’t consider yet… maybe… Anyway I removed everything, just gave an advice. Please stop arguing about this guys. I didn’t want to hurt anyone or anything.

And in what dystopic words are we living for were it is not conceivable that said copy could have been forgotten, destroyed or lost ?

54 is an exageration
15 years is not since there’s no time limit to what they make you sign up for
So technically in 15 years you’re still not allowed to talk about said survey

Which is not yours to judge, according to you

Which is why i qualified it with the term "personally i dont see it as much of "

I never implied I was to judge.

Still. The terms were clear and explicit. Here;s a survey, there’s one rule to follow if you choose to partake in the survey. That rule is not to disclose anything in the survey to others. Click Next to proceed to the survey.

Its a very straightforward and common sense agreement between two parties. No one forces you to click the next button, thats of your own free will, and the act of doing so is clearly an acceptance on your part of said terms of the agreement. If you had any issue you wouldnt click the next button, and if you didnt read it ever and clicked anyways, thats your own fault.