About not nerfing Hunter whatsoever (and Priest)

There is no way I’m laddering;

One Face Hunter getting 1/3 and 2/3 on curve while I get familiar with the new curves and I’ll uninstall the game.


Invokation of Frost, SERIOUSLY, compared to the 2 Mana 2/3 on curve, it offers Face Hunter around the same winrate. Plus it’s more Widespread, more Hunter builds can play that.

At least one minor TWEAK would have been good; a MINOR one; just to show you are willing to give everyone a new roll at the expansion, a re-roll; so that players have to figure out curves again for their classes.

Same goes for Priest. You went so far and just forgot to look at some classes or delibirately ignored them;

How to promote your fun game? With Face Hunter? Right …

I just can’t tolerate that.

I’ve been at the Hospital for 2 weeks and thinking I might play again just to Face Hunter , Priest, Face Hunter until the Meta settles before coming back to the Hospital again, no. Just no. I’d rather do something else with my time. I’m sorry.


People complained about Shaman
Then they complained about Warrior
Then they complained about Rogue
Then they complained about Hunter
Then they complained about Priest.

Do you see the problem with your logic? These decks get noticed when the top of the ladder gets nerfed. Maybe it’s a player problem and not a balance one. Sure nerf first the first three cause they’re unbalanced, but there will always be a next deck to play.


face hunter is t2 and priest is t4, have a nice day

You two are either new with nerfs or I have no idea;

people are going to dust off most of the nerfed stuff early on; meaning most people will have Face Hunter and Rez Priest ready in case they just want to ladder for easy wins (the meta will have to resettle itself, things are starting anew, except for a class with a T2 (LOL T2, like that’s not good) build and over 50% winrate off the start already.

That’s what you can expect the early days to be like; it could even be more than just the early days, depends on how long the format will need to stabilize.

It happens, all the time. They never learn; for once that the nerfs were so widespread, leaving a class like Hunter unchecked, it feels so dumb on so many levels.

But allright; if I’ll be wrong, I’ll come here and say that; you can count on it; granted nobody cares and I know that.

So we’ll see what happened last nerf (Galak Shaman nerf):

People rush to Face Hunter and the counter deck becomes Resurrect Priest (and to a lesser degree Paladin had some luck early due to their healing) and then the meta will resettle as Highlander decks can usually outvalue Priest (Hunter, Mage, Rogue all favored)

… and… we’ll see what happens. Although, granted, we’re suppose to have new cards soon as well ./shrug


Oh, right, when are the new things coming out again?

We haven’t heard anything on the adventure to my knowledge since the “36 collectible cards” were announced prior to DoD launch.

isn’t it supposed to be on the 20 (in 10 days)?

They literally just posted the trailer ><;

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where? 20characters blablablabla
edit: nvm found it on hearthpwn

Say what again, Priest t4 what have you been drinking you do realize that the popular versions of Quest Rez Priest is sitting at a 56-58% winrate on ladder right. Thats alot higher than t4. At a bare minimum its t2.

Face Hunter might be t2 though close to t1, but will for sure become t1 after the nerfs go live.


Yeah okaying vs a Priest in Casual can you guess the cards been played?

Convincing Infiltrator. Total shock I know!
Psychopomp bring back Zilliax! NEVER HAPPENS!

Quest Complete.

Hearstone Linear Pattern Play. Play Quest. Pass Pass Pass Pass, Play Infiltrator
Forbidden word or one of my 10 other destroy a minion cards!

You know the rest. Mass Rest (bring back 2 Zilliax and 2 Infiltrators) or play another Infiltrator make a 5/5 copy of it. Now Mass Ress again! Now Play Cloning Gallery and get a full board of OP!: Several Kahratus, another Zilliax (9 or 10 now) A Muerte. Plays the same way every day. Match after match after match after match after match…

Why? The didn’t want any skill required to play this game. Just Rock Paper Scissors decks.

Obsidian Statue to Convincing Infiltrator. Same tactics, same game play, same never evolving game.


Face Hunter and Priest have both been very popular and rather successful from about rank 10 and down. Rank 10 to Legend don’t see very much success from either deck.

The reason we chose not to make changes to Priest or Hunter in this patch was not because players at those ranks don’t matter, it’s because we generally see a trickle down effect on the meta that starts in Legend and moves down to rank 17-18. We’d expect the population of both those decks to decrease as players experiment with new decks.

Face Hunter is generally popular at lower ranks because it’s a fairly low cost deck. RIght now it’s weak to a lot of the Shaman, Rogue, and Warlock strategies out there and I imagine that will still be true after the nerfs to those decks. If Face Hunter still continues to be super high population after after 16.2 has been out for a bit it’s likely we would address that deck in some way that makes for a more varied experience.

Edit: I flubbed the matchup data, I was referring to Rezz Priest win rates when mentioning its matchups with Rogue, Shaman, and Warlock. Would still expect the population of Hunter to go down as decks like Pirate Warrior and Galakrond Warrior rise up in population at lower ranks.


I’m still skeptical but this does feel abit reassuring. Especially with how prompt the nerfs have been as of recently.

I feel starting Rank 7 hyper aggro in an uncertain format tends to make the playing experience quite bad because, again, as the curves are all over the place, it’s easy to exploit for those who want a fast rank; personally, I’ll either skip or tech.

Feels nice to get some dev feedback every once in awhile by the way.

Dean is correct, at higher ranks, face hunter disappear. Because they rely only on 1 thing go face. Any deck with healing is GG for them. They can get out aggroed too, I killed a face hunter by turn 4 with token druid. Their prevalent is really because its freaking cheap. 2 epic and no legendary. So at lower ranks, its very effective in ranking up but thats about it.


Yeah, would be nice to see it more often here, but lets not get our hopes up. Its been discussed many times, and they still revert to twitter and reddit after their charity post or two here.


Rogue as a class still exists tho; so does Mage; naturally “Heal-less classes” are going to feel like struggling in a Hyper aggro party (granted Token Druid or Hyper aggro will be the new mean to counter Face/Burn builds).

Highlander Rogue, Galakrond Rogue, arguably FUN builds for the class already struggled vs Face Hunter which is why I am abit unsure about (un)mentioned favourable Rogue matchups against Face Hunter (? I guess Tempo builds); Apothecary nerf feels abit huge as it’s no Barnes (fair, but huge); I guess that is just leaving which sucks, I craved to play Highlander Rogue for awhile.

Tl;dr, very skeptical in terms of this post nerf “fun factor” of experience but I am glad the consideration of nerfs was not completely ignored and can still happen if things escalate with it.

we can see again. My highlander rogue is 50/50 against hunter. Mulligan for tempo, get the board, threaten face and keep zephyrs. A zephyrs shadowstep zephyrs gave me 16 healing against them before.

Face hunter is pretty good against the greedy shaman galakrond deck (the one running spirit of the frog). Also against the greedy Apothecary rogue.

Meanwhile, the slow galakrond deck is good versus priest (zentimo + triple hex is GG generally).

So your (top tier) galakrond shaman or rogue deck got nerfed some, and fast hunter decks profit of that.

sounds to me you need to ADJUST (which is correct after a nerf) and probably be less greedy or tech more healing.

Zoo warlock and galakrond warrior still should be able to defeat face hunter without too much of a problem IMO, just like rogue still should be able to beat warriors

How does Rogue consistantly survive against Face Hunters tho without relying on 2/30 Shadowstep Zephrys all the time tho?