About not nerfing Hunter whatsoever (and Priest)

every deck needs a counter. Rogue has Always been vulnerable to face decks.

The apothercary decks also ran a bunch of lifesteal (and rush) minions so after their combo they could heal themselves for quite a bit (2 mana 4/7, rush, lifesteal is quite insane).

kill them before they kill you. Then a turn 4 apo to a 7/7 mech + a zillax is simply game winning. some taunts also help you against weapon damage. they can get bad draws too which give you more time. hence a 50/50 for me.

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Rogue can race them w/ a decent hand, or simply sustain via Zephrys 'n Shadowstep, or Zilliax.

I can agree with face hunter, but from my experience I can hardly see this happening to priest, they became a lot more powerful due to the presence of breath of the infinite, one thing is when u give’em a good late game with taunt minins and nice removal, but giving them more early control tools is a mistake, aggro decks can’t make it that easily anymore.

Hunter and Priest are extremely techable. Try doing that maybe instead of complaining more?

No offence since im always glad to see Blizz posts at these forums, but it seems like Blizz posts are only keep popping before new content is released. Last time we saw them at these forums were pre RoS or Pre SoU i think and by then the forums are in total abandonment.
Now we see Blizz posts just right before the new adventure hits …
Can you guys stay a bit more with us the rest of the year?

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well… they fired their community manager here.

that should tell you about how much they care about those forums

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If tech was an answer to all we would not be getting all these nerfs now.

We all know how kind the matchups are with techs especially when Face Hunter and Rez Priest are at the opposite sides.

Personally I am more than contempt with the possibility of further nerfs getting considered in a near future. I feared it qas just another “time bunch” or “temporary experiment”; an assurance that issues “dealable with nerfs” can be seen in near future and dealt with without too much waiting (as it used to happen) is fine by me.

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but is more than techs

priest has at least 6 bad match ups and they werent nerfed

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Trueee… I miss Jesse. This guy knew how to handle things and if there was something discussed here we always had a blue voice saying ‘‘Ok im gonna transfer your problem or suggestion to T5’’.

OP, please try to understand that Hearthstone is not a game for rocket scientists, ok? It’s a simple game to pass the time here and there and that’s it. If you have a doctorate degree in HS, then congratulations! I’m very very very very very proud of you. But please don’t try and change Hearthstone into something it’s not mean to be.
Thank you very much for your understanding, get well soon (believe it or not, your health is more important than a video game) and I hope you’ll have a happy new year full of success!

So are nerfs going to be a normal thing now? You already imply that a possible 3rd round of nerfs might be considered. I don’t think so many nerfs are good for the game.

Either yall messed up on this expansions power level or you have adapted a new philosophy of nerfing decks frequently.

Nerfing decks frequently is not healthy for the game as people will burn through dust too fast to try and keep up.

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Not sure about the rocket scientist part,

but I appreciate that. Everyone pay attention to your health as well.

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i guess thats why this time they ve been doing everything they can to keep the cards they target playable

shut up, cancer-player

Wow nerf priest realy ? Name one broken card in resurect priest ? You can’t!

Your experience doesn’t gel with Vicious Syndicate’s evaluation of Res Priest, which is that the deck is mainly competitive (~50% global) due to the fact that it simply stomps Face Hunter and is one of the better decks against Galakrond Warrior. Which means it’s unfavored against multiple archetypes, if an 80% winrate against a popular list only brings it to 50%.

Edit: In keeping with Dean Ayala’s evaluation, Res Priest is near non-existent at Legend and that’s usually a sign that an archetype is going to disappear for most of the ladder. I’m of the mind that the Priest cards in the Adventure have to be pretty darn good or the class is in trouble. Maybe they’ll bring Galakrond Priest up to a playable state and we can all be happy.


Dream on. They’d have to send almost every priest minion to wild for that to happen. The problem with gala priest is that the hero power is garbage. Random priest minions are reactive, don’t apply pressure, and don’t close games. Every other galakrond is a proactive win condition that applies heavy pressure. Warrior hits you in the face for 14 damage from the sidelines, shaman summons a bunch of 8/8’s and equips an arcanite reaper twice, warlocs invokes fight hard for board token style, and rogue’s lackey synergies are very well known. Priest just generates value, and has to pay 2 mana to do it so it also stifles how many cards they can play that turn. And it’s bad value to boot.

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Oh I know I’m dreaming. It just seems like the closest new archetype to being a thing. I’m more alarmed that Res Priest will continue to be the Priest archetype for another year, as I don’t think any key cards are rotating in a few months.

If the new spell revealed is any indicator, I think they’re trying to move away from Res.

If the new cards are mostly minion based, especially early/mid game minions, that may help in making a new priest archetype. Plus, if they are good proactive minions, that’s an indirect buff to Galakrond.