A way to block rag skin?

I hate the new rag skin, too many animations and stuff
Is there a way to block the animations? I can block the emote, but is not enough, is annoying to win and have to wait until the hero animation end

There’s literally no chance that they would ever implement this

Uhhh if you don’t want to see high (priced) fashion in the main game stick to battlegrounds… I guess?

you can concede whenever you encounter it. closest thing youll get

after you win, close the game, and reopen

boom no end of game animations

The skin is $74.99… you best believe there’s going to be animoations you can’t block. Luckily I doubt you’ll come across many players who will have this skin. I bought the $34 skins which were still way over priced, But 74.99… I’d rather get hit by a bus than buy a skin at that price, regardless of the fact I can afford it.

This stupidly over priced animation was a total waste of resources for them. Maybe 1-5% of the player base was ever going to spend 75$ on something like this.

While I could afford it without issue, I’m not dumb enough to drop that kind of cash on a digital skin for a game that’s this old and gives nothing in return. You can’t even show off to friends with it like you can in WoW or anything. I’d rather spend $75.00 on a retail game that I can get hours of enjoyment out of than to see a pixel image that moves around some.

Perhaps if it was maybe $20.00 I would have possible bought it and that’s even a big maybe. But these prices they are slapping on these cards and hero skins is just laughable.

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It’s more expensive than a standard bundle, which is hilarious.

going by OP being matched agaisnt players with it often

means it has good sales … good

You can just not play the game.