A rental model for Hearthstone

Blizzard should introduce a flat monthly rental model for Hearthstone – while you pay, everything is unlocked. All the cards, all the card backs, all the heroes…

After all, all the assets have already been downloaded in the app.

Stop paying the rent, and you’re back to only the cards and assets you’ve earned.

It’s a new revenue stream, requires minimal programming, and little artistic input.

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Why do you care? This would effectively bar most of its current players to even play. So why do you care to cause that?

how would it bar players? please explain your reasoning.

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Oh. You mean f2p would still exist as it is. I doubt Blizzard would find it that profitable.

it’ introduces a predictable recurring revenue stream, which is what accountants like.

And then everyone can enjoy Wild, play the Lich King, Shudderwock, etc.

You could really enjoy Hearthstone and all of the skins and legendary cards and top decks when you have the time for it, and then cancel your monthly subscription and return to just your earned and bought cards etc. when life gets busy.

and there is no reason for blizzard to kill most of their profits …is odd someone thinks blizzard would want LESS profits

Why would they do that when they get more money from people who spend lots of money on the game in their endless effort/quest to get all the things in the game already? To offer it all for some low price discount or whatever, would effectively shoot their best remaining method for raking in money for minimum effort, in the foot. Like I understand the idea and it’s a good one for certain things, but probably not for Hearthstone accountants

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Game caters to whales in a a form or another, adding a rental subscription will only hurt the free to play player.