A Public Message to Priest Players

not sure what priests you´re playing, but if i play a deck capable of wining vs priest (which is 80%of the meta mind you) i usually kill them by turn 8ish.

if you somehow find a slower deck that gets outvalued by priest well… i struggle to see how that deck enjoys any other matchup more?

Again, it’s not that I have difficulty winning; it’s that I despise the playstyle so much that it ruins what should be pleasure in winning.

I should also note, this topic was made mostly in jest. Being honest, I believe priest players deserve to play however they like, even if it is sometimes at my dismay. They have the right to fun, too.

i really don´t get that though…i mean i assume you are talking about big priest as most other archetypes are currently pretty irrelevant. And i think that plays pretty similar to libram paladin, just that you have much less pressure to fight for board early on.
Yet somehow Libram Paladin is the “fair” deck.

And if it´s Miracle Priest…sure, i personally don´t like highroll decks myself. But I think ramp druid is a much worse offender there, hitting 10mana while you´re at 5 and then spamming Yoggy till you finally are defeated when the 8dropps somehow don´t make it.
Still, somehow Priest is the worse deck to play against?

I feel like people are just really on some kind of insane hyperbole regarding to priest.

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80% of the meta??
What game are you playing? It’s clearly NOT Hearthstone.

I don’t enjoy playing versus Libram Paladin very much, either, for the record (although not as much as priest). I think what irks me is mostly the ability to resurrect healing/armor granting minions multiple times. Killing the same minions again and again frustrates me. And yes, referring to Big Priest.

Still, how is that different from Libram Paladin playing 4 8/8s because of Lady L and healing for 32? and yet Libram is around mostly unnerfed for 2years while if priest gets 1 Tier 1 deck everyone is out in pitchforks asap.


I believe I did say that I don’t enjoy playing versus Libram Paladin very much. How are the two different? I suppose in their mechanics.

Also, I’ll repeat, in seriousness, despite me not liking these decks, that doesn’t justify killing them. I’m trying to express simply my preferences.

As you can probably tell, this topic is mostly a joke. I don’t truly believe priest players don’t have the right to play however they like.

I just like playing priest because I roleplay while I do. Clerical collar, incense, Bible…I go all out. Blessings heathens…