A Public Message to Priest Players

Quest Deathrattle is gonna make folks go mental if there isn’t a OTK meta still waiting in the wings. I don’t think folks realize how strong and consistent it is. Anyway, here is my deck that I break out whenever I just want to annoy the heck out of everyone (normally after I get tired of the same decks over and over). I haven’t updated it yet for 2022, but I’ve had a version of this for as long as I can remember.

Thief Priest:


thief priest 2021

Class: Priest

Format: Standard

Year of the Gryphon

2x (0) Raise Dead

2x (1) Imprisoned Homunculus

2x (1) Psychic Conjurer

2x (1) Renew

1x (1) Wave of Apathy

1x (2) Condemn (Rank 1)

1x (2) Serena Bloodfeather

2x (2) Soothsayer’s Caravan

2x (3) Apotheosis

1x (3) Mindrender Illucia

2x (3) Palm Reading

1x (4) Blademaster Samuro

2x (4) Cabal Acolyte

2x (4) Cheesemonger

2x (4) Southsea Scoundrel

1x (4) The Nameless One

1x (6) Initiation

1x (7) Keymaster Alabaster

1x (7) Mutanus the Devourer

1x (7) Soul Mirror


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

as long as there is OTK meta, that can kill you before you get to play strong things, you die. Which I dont think will go away, as it is the most consistent way to win the games, because there are so many strong cards, that enable it…

I would not be surprised, if OTK DH came back, Warlock will be still around, Rogue can still do 40 from hand and you cant pressure any of these decks realistically.

I enjoy playing quest priest specially vs slow decks, knowing how much they are sweating knowing they could lose insta next turn is enjoyable

5 minute games with no thinking involved are the true hell. I’m trying to save you all and make you better players.

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They absolutely are not.

Before, whenever I’d start a game against a priest I’d think to myself “oh look, a sadomasochist.” Now, of course, I assume they’re a Rogue.


To quote the VS Report released a couple hours ago;

“Priest remains an ongoing joke.”

Priest is gonna be good after patch because it will be mage and druid meta and priest poops on both ( except mozaki mage )

I dont think Rogue is going anywhere tbh. Maybe only for the dust, but it will stay strong class.
OTK DH might come back, because it thrive in board based meta.

“Other people said something so it MUST be true!”

Do you even play Priest?
I have nearly 300 games with Big Priest and I beat Rogues, Warlocks, Paladins(always), Quest Warrior, and most of the Druid decks floating around.
The deck is completely viable for climbing and is absolutely nothing to joke about.
It’s also worth noting I do not use the NetDeck version. I, unlike you, have the ability to think for myself and decided some cards are better than others.

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It’s a miracle.

20 chars

Who? Aggro players?
I don’t think most otk or contol players mind Priest.

Got it, you’re saying I shouldn’t believe you.

As a matter of fact, I’m saying think for yourself.
Play the class, or don’t. Either way, reading somebodies post online (including mine) and basing your opinions/bias on it is rather moronic.
You’re just a simple sheep following the heard.

There are some really good iterations of this deck being played well at higher ranks. I believe you. Being able to resummon beefy taunts that heal and armor can be super fun.

That being said, priest should be banned for being BM exactly because of what I mentioned above.


Suffer well child… You have already fallen!!

Sword of Thousand Truths should be renamed as Sword of Thousand Pain.
Wild is fun when you can abuse hex mechanic and polymorph mechanic.

Why do you hate winning against me?

For me, it’s that the journey to winning sucks so badly that it kills the thrill of the win.

Thanks for mentioning that. I may make a new deck now. A possible name for it is “priest pretending to be rogue disguised as priest.”