A in depth discussion on balance philosophy

So with the upcoming balance pach i was thinkng id like to get the communities feedback on nerf philosphy the devs have shown they do listen to feedback and i though id make this discussion to get more insight into different viewpoints the community has.

I have laid some points with upsides and downsides too you can add more insights or stuff i have missed.

  1. Nerfing base on top 1 k legend.

Do you guys feel that nerfed should only be made based on this bracket.

Upsides - Usually the most problematic cards are hit and cards that are not problematic are left alone…

Downside - This represents the smallest portion of the community and so while some decks r not good in top legend could be making play experience worse in lower ranks.

My thoughs is that it should be a combenation of both and that sometimes it is good to nerf some decks that are not problematic in top legend but in lower ranks.

2 . Shoulds nerfs be based around - feels bad to lose to this.

This topic is heatedlly debated .

1 Upside - Nerfing a deck that creates a negative play experience is always good

2 Downside - This is feels kind of subjective in the sense of what is unfun for person is fun for another idk how to word this better sorry.

To me these are the most important points in the nerf phylisophy what do you guys think feel free to add things i have missed.

Lets try and have a calm discussion :slight_smile:

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A deck that significantly dominates top 1k legend is almost always a clear power outlier and in need of balance adjustment, but that can’t and shouldn’t be the only criteria. Consideration to play rates and specific meta needs to factor in to the discussion.

Yes, but not always. I think in the past they have talked about how prevalent a deck is and how fast something happens.

I don’t like some of the mill that has happened in the past and they need to be really careful about things you can’t avoid.