A guide on why mage sucks RN

That’s what happens when you look at old data. Elemental Mage was tier 1 when Lamplighter wasn’t nerfed.

Elemental Mage, at top 1k Legend, is currently evaluated as the best deck in Tier 4, with Big spell mage being the third worse.


I don’t know you but after refining a little that thing is becoming analogue to an aggro deck.

Try lower the curve as much as you can miracle salesman and stuff like that. Run both primordial glyph and infinitize together that undead taunt and the isolated archmage or whatever it is called.

Than run the usual spells on the top, king tide and kalecgos.

The idea is that if you don’t have a big spell the 3 drop + discover combo will provide you one and if the 3 drop somehow survives a turn it’s GG because the spell will acumulate his discount with the glyph reducing by 4.
That way almost everything in the deck is you must kill it now or something will explode in your face.

Well, I’m not sure what criteria or evidence you base your opinion on, but mage where I play is mediocre at best, and I don’t care what cards you use.
Your opinion seems based on theory, rather than real world game play.
I can attest that the experience is markedly different than what you are claiming.
Almost none of the cards you mention are even playable without significant cost reductions.
To me, that says they aren’t good enough.
If a card needs a crutch, then it is by definition, crippled.

Yeah, that’s the general idea. Curve an early game into your big spells rather than just hoping for your 6 and 7 cost cards play one for you.

Mage have CANCER deck when enemy NO HAVE chance any react it is most worse deck in game STOP infinite 0 mana card!!!

This is true. There were a few games where I copied GPO and it felt like cheating lol.

I also tried marooned Archmage. Never got to do much with it but it effectively has taunt because people see it and realize what might happen.

There’s a new Sif mage on the ladder, and I must say, it has a crazy early game

I do believe I got slightly unlucky, but still, I got ran over turn 8, which isn’t what you normally expect from Sif mage

Does it run Raylla? I’ve been playing Sif mage, but just recently got Raylla from a pack and was wondering if there was a good deck for her

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Yes, it did run Rayla, so not only does it have a stronger early game than it used to, it now has a menacing mid-game if it draws Rayla

I do believe the deck just counters mine, but not many decks do that, so I think the deck could be very strong

Keep in mind, though, the sample of my experience is just 1 game, so he might have highrolled

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How does the deck uses Rayla effectively?

You’re full of low-cost spells, so you just use it to fill the board with random minions with divine shields WHILE discovering and drawing cards

Basically, instead of losing tempo, you gain tempo by drawing and discovering, because of it

Not to mention it gives you access to Pally cards - more low-cost spells which buff your board

No, i know how it works, question is, how do you drop Hayla and have it survive to actually use the spells?

You don’t use it as a 4-drop, you use it like Dorian, turn 6 or 7

Your best 4-drop is Grillmaster to draw Sif and 1-cost spells

Beteen 4 and 6 you stack up spell schools and draw cards

On 6 or 7 you drop Raylla and literally spam the board full of divine shield minions while giving yourself divine shield as well - total immunity for yourself and board (exceptions do exist, like concierge druid, which is now rarely played and 16 mana trogg gemtosser, which rarely happens)

On Turn 8 you drop Sif and do billion dmg

Are you referring to Wild SA deck? You can beat it. I do it all the time.

Rayla and Grillmaster have turned out to be really good cards for mage. I am using both in my Schyla-built Ping mage, and Rayla can reclaim a board, and completely redirect a face player, while Grillmaster draws WF and Dawngrasp.

Did take under the sea back to the deck but surfalopod really never gonna return.
It is good in maintaining pressure and you should have already drew atleast 1 tsunami with discount by turn 6 anyway.

Would like to cut it too?
My issue is that it increases greatly the odd of having a 5 or more cost spell in hand by turn 3. Incresing the deck consistency drastically.

I’d mostly recommend star power for that. It helps to deal with mid-game druid boards and is brutally effective in an orb

This thread is hilarious!

The OP says Mage sucks.
The OP blamed the reason for Mage sucking on Core Cards.

I have never been Mage player so as a nonexistent Mage player.
I wanted to see if what the OP was saying was true.
So I copied the beginner core set that the game gives to Mage players to test it.

I was prepared to lose every game.
After getting the hang of the deck, I went on a winning streak.

The Mage deck isn’t nothing compared to other Classes I have played.
The Mage deck is actually insane in comparison to other Classes.

I explained what makes the Mage deck good.
I explained each Mage core card.

A player responded to me saying the Mage deck is bad check top players.
I went to several different websites which said Mage deck is number 1.

The forum player responses by saying the websites I went to are outdated because a monster named Lamp got Nerfed.
I never even used the Lamp monster in my testing.
The deck was doing great with out that monster.

Some Mage builds don’t even have Lamp monster in them.
Some Mage builds seem to still use Lamp monster even after the nerf.

Nevertheless, the Mage Classes is not as bad as other Classes.
I don’t know what makes you people think it’s bad.

I can show the moves I was doing in my deck build to give an idea of how I played it.
It seemed very straight forward.

While i run the orb…
My opponents usually don’t live enough to see it. I also lose faster too.

Going to say this again the voices in your head dont count as meta reports…