A guide on why mage sucks RN

Before we begin, I think it’s important to emphasize that I’m not necessarily saying only Mage decks are in a bad spot right now and if you want to talk about other classes, just open another thread instead of arguing with me. That said, let’s get started.

The mage core set:

I think it’s important to touch on other topics besides power level because these topics give us clues about some current problems that go to the level of design, such as a core set that doesn’t align with the class’s current identity, for example.

Since the introduction of the spell schools mechanic Mage decks have had absolutely nothing in the core set that suggests this despite it becoming an important part of the class’s mechanics in many cases.

Another thing I notice with Mage but not with other classes is that Blizzard feels an incredible need to make cards that are practically reprints of cards that could easily be part of the core set for a year instead of having a new version like Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron. Or they make generic cards that could easily be replaced by existing cards like Unchained Gladiator which wouldn’t have needed to be released if Blizzard had just put Book of Specters in the core set.

I’m not necessarily asking for better cards in this case but rather that the choices for the core set be at least somewhat coherent. Currently there are very few cards that truly have a reason to be there beyond being a legacy from the classic set.

As a last mention about the core set and probably least important. The year Blizzard decided to make temporary cards a core expansion mechanic Evocation wasn’t included in the core set. It’s really frustrating not to have access to a mechanic that started in the class you enjoy playing, especially in the same year Blizzard decided to distribute it to several other classes.

These are the reasons why i think the Mage core set should have a real revamp in the coming years.

Last year cards:
Regarding this, I want to make it clear that there is a very small portion of cards from the last year whose existence actually makes a difference and it is mostly the rainbow package with very feel exceptions like void scripture ,reverberations ,cosmic keyboard and cards that don’t have home in mage decks nowadays like costumed singer.

This year:
People really don’t understand how Whizbang’s Workshop was bad for mage decks in terms of design. The set was practically entirely dedicated to spell mage and it also had card slots taken up by cards like Yogg in the Box, which, as i mentioned before could have simply brought the original version of the card instead of taking up a slot in the expansion with that. And to make up for it they made Khadgar, which, honestly, is a card that borders on ridiculous in how strong it is almost as a reward for those who refuse to play that trash.
And about Perils in Paradise the only thing i have to say is that people were so fed up with playing spell mage that they decided to play a deck with literally just one new card, which, despite being strong, wouldn’t have received any attention in a different situation.

What could be done for the class in the short term is that despite my believe of the set being on the right track by trying to make mage boards punish the opponent more it’s just weak.
Sunscreen could grant 2 attack instead of 1 and Service Ace could be activated by any targeted spells instead of specifically by increasing its own attack. The deck isn’t bad, it just doesn’t reward the player for taking the board as any other similar deck would and these buffs would be meant to address that.

Just as a last mention. I understand some people like other decks like spell mage but we need to be honest about the deck. Not only spell mage is non-interactive to the point where it can’t be encouraged to become a recurring deck without the risk of a nerf if that happens but big spell mage won’t become popular while Death Knight of Plague exists even if it was broken. That’s why i’m not even suggesting changes to these decks.

If you took the time to read all of this, thank you. I really put in effort to express some points this time.


Outside of bad core set options mage sucks because mage defensive options suck. While every other class is blowing up your board and leaving a giant board of their own or healing to full… mage is blowing up a board and passing their turn.

Mage heal (through the tourist) is incredibly clumsy
Mage armor gain is incredibly expensive and conditional (relies on the opponent playing something big/attacking face with non spell damage)
A lot of mage board clears require a specific spec to get full use of it (no minion can use that 2 mana deal 6… minion based decks not so much)

Also mages have a lot of anti synergy

Want to play big spell mage? Well you’re not playing all the early game defensive spells because you dont want to cast those on draw.

Mage is traditionally an OTK class but these days most classes can OTK a lot quicker and with a lot better defensive options than mage has.

There are certainly some strong curve outs in mage… but things like big spell/no minion have a vacant early game curve out (unless you specifically have the weapon early) which requires highroll to catch up and makes the game way too RNG to me.

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Mage isn’t usually a class that can go wide with small minions, or tall with big ones, to the extent that other classes can, making it reliant on good spells.

Those good spells also don’t get mana cheated that much otherwise the class would probably be broken.

Because Mage has mediocre minion presence, it struggles early game to keep up while it tries to assemble what is likely an OTK win condition in hand for the late game.

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Well, I am.

one can dream.

Every expansion since a certain designer became the lead has been bad for mage. Recognize.

This is accurate, and it’s also the only decently powerful thing they ever give mage, so they can justify murdering it later.

Here’s a better guide, and its one sentence long:

They nerfed the one OP card that mage leaned on: lamplighter.

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That would be me. I don’t work for blizzard but i psychically thought up the cards and they were made the same way i thought of them… either i’m reading their minds or they are reading mine. I guess I can’t take credit though of course. I have no logical proof or any evidence. Nor did I put time and effort into actually constructing the playable game myself. But don’t blame Cora or whoever you’re blaming for bad game design. Don’t worry, I haven’t thought of a single thing past the Perils in Paradise mainset. The miniset will be all them unless I last minute think of something and they take it.

This happens when you have a bad foundation.

It isn’t cause but consequence.

The game comes down to mana cheat and healing to full and Mage has some RNG cheat but not as consistent and much less healing potential.

true. and mage can’t even burn as well as other classes now.
I would love to know in what universe mage should not have the best burn from hand?

I disagree. Mage is traditionally a tempo burn class.
Stall/ OTK happened with Secrets.

Same as always: they give mage cards that are completely reliant on one card to work, while other classes get cards that work across multiple decks.

I don’t think Mage should be about heal at all. Healing is one of the most abused mechanics now thanks to lifsteal, which I wish would be deleted from the game, except as possibly a couple of neutral cards.

Lets look at the mage core set

Arcane artificer: top tier card, great in all mage decks except spell only(obviously)
Babbling book: a fine card, not horrible but not great in current decks
Flame geyser: INSANE card in any rainbow mage
Shooting star: unplayable
Arcanologist: Unplayable
Frostbolt: Great card in rainbow and spell only
primordial glyph: top tier card, never bad
Arcane intellect: Fine, goes in a few decks
Counterspell: Unplayable
Explosive runes: fine in rainbow decks
Ice barrier: unplayable
Stargazer luna: great card
Fireball: great card
Blizzard: top tier DISCOVER, unplayable otherwise
Firelands portal: played in spell only mage(mine at least)
Flamestrike: Unplayable
Kalecgos: super good in pretty much every deck

So I can see some of your points, there are multiple cards that are unplayable. however, there are also many cards that are great, just perhaps not in decks you like to play.

as for what you said about how the core set doesnt work well with the deck archetypes mage is pushed to play rn. They could have easily brought back some of the old spell only stuff, instead of flamestrike or whatever. I disagree though on the not liking spell only mage. I like it, I think its fun, though I wish it got more love in perils.

The new perils deck is fine? I have never seen it played so idk, overall I think mage is fine, not the worst class nor the best, I think the real worry should be focused on nerfing currently broken classes such as paladin(i hate to say it cause im a paladin main, but man handbuff and flood is not the meta I want)

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I think I want some of whatever elixir you are on.
Every one of the core cards you named either need to be buffed, or removed, and something else given in their place.
Babbling Book and Primordial glyph. lol.
Top tier for Druid or Rogue, perhaps. I doubt even at zero mana they would play them.
Fireball? DK can do the same damage for the same mana with lifsteal, fhs.
Frostbolt? Same thing. DH can do the same damage with lifesteal, which with outcast costs 1 mana.
idk where you have been, but you seem to be out of touch with the modern game.

There are exactly 3 cards there that really are good cards.Arcane artificier, Flame geyser and primordial glyph.

1 card that barely makes sense with the year actual theme that is kalecgos.

And for now the secrets only exist there just to be pulled by other cards or disguise that masked singer is now a hunter card.

Anything else is literal junk legacy stuff. Yes, even frostbolt that only run when cheated by a 4 mana card.
You literally pay 4 mana to discount 2.

The amount of cope you have here is really insane.

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exactly. But I disagree with Glyph. Mage core is garbage, and only exists so other classes can pull them and play them for zero mana.
We have become spell storage for the real classes.

BSM hits like a truck when it gets its first spell off, sometimes as early as turn 6. Sure, that’s a highroll, but one that most people don’t come back from. It hurts. The deck is fairly good.

The problem really isn’t Mage. It’s all the other stuff that’s just bonkers. Dragon Druid is too good. Mage is going nowhere while that deck remains the most popular and the strongest.

And then you have Handbuff Paladin. Handbuff Paladin really only has a few counters. It needs more counters in the meta. Good luck with that.

Those 2 decks are mega counters and Dragon Druid is mega popular. Unless those are dealt with, BSM won’t break into Tier 2 area.

And they can’t buff the stuff Mage got this expansion, because it indirectly buffs Druid.

Mage is getting punished for Druid, similar to how Hunter is getting punished for Priest.
Mage can’t have anything too good because Druid will do it better, and Hunter doesn’t get great cards because they don’t want Control Priest to be a thing.

Thus, your class will suffer for the sins of another.

I might as well just say it. I’m sick and tired of Team5.
Their only solution to anything is kill mage.
BSM is good on paper, and that’s all.
Any novice can take a Pally deck, or a Rogue deck, or a Druid deck, and win a fair amount with it, because the cards are simply good without any conditions.

Team 5 has literally showered Rogue, Druid, Paladin, Shaman, and Hunter with better cards now for years, while mage gets saddled with situational crap that only works if the planets align. And why? I’ll tell you my guess.
Because Team 5 is too lazy, or unimaginative, to make all classes appealing enough to have relative parity in play rates, and so they take the quickest, dirtiest, remedy they can find: Kill mage.

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This is the issue…

As early as turn 6. You can end your text here and you know why.

Tourist was a really poorly executed idea. Mage got trash, and Druid got rewarded.
Schyla isn’t wrong. Mage can’t have anything because the tourist cards already make Druid so good.
Thing is? Mage gets treated this way every expansion lately.
At some point one needs to at least consider the possibility of bias.

The idea here is basically for everyone pay for the sins of who uses their cards and be paid by the next.
It is very weird but considering this is a seasonal mechanic and not something permanent it is acceptable.

If anything i would like it to just really break everything. It would be more fun for everyone that way.

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I don’t know why we even have classes anymore.
Team 5 has killed the entire idea.

Can’t believe i’m reading this. Let’s actually look at the core set:

  • Arcane artificer: top tier card, great in all mage decks except spell only (This is true)
  • Babbling book: a fine card, not horrible but not great in current decks (This is not. Babbling Book is about as close to a vanilla 1/2 as mage gets. Adding a ccard that may or may not be useful lacks the main characteristic of a good deck: consistency. It’s only usable if there’s nothing better at the slot, or you want random spells. The days of putting a body down early game for no card deficit being valuable by itself are long gone)
  • Flame geyser: INSANE card in any rainbow mage (It’s a Ok spell that gets slightly more useful if you have a pay off from shooting this specific school. Sadly, Rainbow mage isn’t a good deck, so it’s a bad card)
  • Shooting star: unplayable (Correct)
  • Arcanologist: Unplayable (Correct, unless there’s a secret deck)
  • Frostbolt: Great card in rainbow and spell only (Frostbolt is a fossil of a old card that was the premier 2 mana damage option when it was printed a decade ago, but it’s among the worst right now. Compare it to two mana options in other classes)
  • primordial glyph: top tier card, never bad (Regular to bad card. Effectively reads: Trade a card slot in your deck for a random spell. Unless you really wanna play Arcane spells and not get card deficit for doing so - which nobody currently wants)
  • Arcane intellect: Fine, goes in a few decks (bad, to the point it’s been consistently not making the cut in most decks for a few years)
  • Counterspell: Unplayable (correct)
  • Explosive runes: fine in rainbow decks (Incorrect - Bad card, only usable if you’re building secrets. There are better options for Fire Spells than “Overkill a 1 mana minion for 3 mana”)
  • Ice barrier: unplayable (Mostly correct)
  • Stargazer luna: great card (Average card that relies on a cheap package for fast cycles, but mage can no longer reduce costs effectively - which was what made it powerful originally, the effect with Sorcerer Apprentice)
  • Fireball: great card (WTF)
  • Blizzard: top tier DISCOVER, unplayable otherwise (Correct, but it’s not a top tier discover most of the time. It’s just ok, but as no competition on it’s niche)
  • Firelands portal: played in spell only mage (mine at least) (Played only if you don’t have a better option in most decks, or if you want to play costly spells for a payoff)
    Flamestrike: Unplayable (Correct)
  • Kalecgos: super good in pretty much every deck (WTF² - Kalegcos is expensive, slow to come into play, and doesn’t have a deck to maximize it’s efectiveness - that means, play costly spells for free, right now)

To quote the latest VS report on mage:

" Elemental Mage looks done competitively. Its win rate is falling across ladder. It might only be able to survive at lower MMR brackets. Spell Mage is depressingly weak. Mage has no other alternatives."