A Few Parting Thoughts

I’ll try and make this short and constructive. :blush:

I started playing Hearthstone because I wanted a way to keep playing a game in the Warcraft franchise. I simply didn’t have time to play World of Warcraft and manage a young family.

Hearthstone gave me Warcraft in the small moments of time I had available! It really grabbed me. I even started editing the Hearthstone wiki to update story info related to the game!

With the latest board debacle and what feels like a continued reduction in world building, I can’t keep playing.

Thanks for all the fun I have had!

To the developers of this game, I encourage you to join the World of Warcraft Game Makers Guild. I don’t see any other way for you to be able to push back against the profit seeking game destroying overlords without help. Microsoft literally made 16.5 Billion dollars last quarter.

Thanks again for all the fun and if things start looking up, I’ll be back in the Tavern!


May you find happiness, Theozar. You were cool to have around. Take care.

How dare you give up Hearthstone to raise a young family!! :slight_smile:

Best of luck to you and your family. I geniunely mean that.