A better chance at new BG heroes?

Since I’m paying for that pass, I’d love for an occasional chance to actually “pick” my hero from all of the available ones. Like, let me reserve it before I start the game, once a day or something.

I’ve been killing my rating with concedes trying to have a go at at least one of the new ones for the last 30m. Luckily the rating drop stops at some point, but this is getting super frustrating. I just want to try one of the new heroes and I am not getting the option to.

I was lucky enough to get two of the new heroes on the day of the patch but this rarely happens. I think heroes should rotate. The smaller the pool of heroes, the greater the chance to get the new heroes.

what about the other 7 players who paid for the same perks?

The best fix would be to add a casual mode, where you choose your hero and face other 7 that chose their hero as well (no duplicate).

Maybe it would be too confusing or useless or not profitable

I’d say let us reserve one with a lengthy CD, and if someone else has the same one reserved, don’t random them into the same BG as me?

Then at high MMR, everyone would choose the best hero available (like in constructed).
Since they are at high MMR they can be matched only against each other; if they get matched against low MMR players, then they would lose a lot of MMR from a loss and gain nothing from a win.

Your idea is good from a casual point of view, but unfortunately it can’t work for everyone and that’s why it isn’t implemented.