A balance patch from the players

Add any changes you would like to see here.
I propose cards that I think should be balanced in my opinion.

Death knight is too aggro in general. Decreasing the aggro undeads component would slow down both decks (Unholy and frost).
-Arms Dealer: 1 attack, 1 health (or 2 mana)
Even at 1 health it would be nerfed. It’s easier to trade.
-Marrow Manipulator: 7 mana
-Frost DK would be unplayable without Frostwyrm’s Fury, but I think it should only deal 3 damage.

I think paladin has a lot of good cards, but none that are really OP. I would decrease the initial aggressiveness with shields and The Countess.
-Seal of Blood: 4 mana
-The Countess: 8 mana
Sinful Sous Chef can lower the cost of Lightray and upgrades Disco Maul. She is very good, but I don’t think she can be nerfed.

I don’t know for Outcast Demon hunter. In my opinion it is a fairly honest class. It’s not easy to play. I think it’s really good because there are a couple of classes in the meta that suffer from assault minions. just Rush the stage is a little too good.

I’m not one of those who think warrior is unplayable, but some help would be welcome.
-Kodohide Drumkit: 3 mana
If this card were 3 mana, Warrior would be a decent control class. Equipping the weapon on turn three would open up many possibilities for clearing the ground on turn 4 or 5. It’s easy. Every other weapon in the set is 3 mana 3 2 or 4 mana 4 2. Please Blizzard.
-Mawsworn Bailiff: 4 mana
4 attack, 4 health, +4 attack, 4 armor needed… 4 mana for the Flavor! I think it wouldn’t be a good card either, but it could be played instead of Sword eater.

Mage now has several active decks, but naga decks don’t have good resources to wrap up. However, decreasing card costs would help.
-Whirlweaver: 2 mana, 3 attack, 2 health
-DJ manastorm: 9 mana

What do you think?

all very nice but you forgot some fundamental updates:

  • elimination of the false rng which is not random but based on your style of play and on how much you spend trying to avoid in any case that you play for free especially in the paid versions arena or heroic duels, all always oriented to send you money for something
  • make the code that matchmaking is based on very clear
  • submit to external certification authorities that the whole system is perfectly transparent for players, so that they can know exactly what they are spending their money on while at the moment it is not clear especially for paid methods
  • give real value to the cards you buy, making them exchangeable and numbered, otherwise you buy air, you don’t buy anything, because a commodity without a market has a value, do you know how much? ZERO
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I’ve spend about 200 games trying to make Climactic Necrotic Explosion work. Maybe 5 game it saved me and won the game.

I’d like to see an additional part to the card that reduces cost based on corpses spent. Maybe like every 10 you spend drops the mana cost by 1. Rainbow DK doesnt have enough good corpse spenders to get it higher than 12-13 damage if you survive that long.