9-cost Zilliax is killing the entire game

The meta is summarized as follows:

Zilliax vs. Counter Zilliax decks.

Please fix or ban Zilliax so we can enjoy the game again.

Thank you.


Zilliax is not killing the game. There are plenty of aggro decks that can counter this. Zilliax is annoying to deal with… but so is paladin, and mages and druids. There are plenty of decks that can beat a warrior zilliax deck. With that being said I do think they will be nerfing him, but even so, people will still complain as they always do.


I agree. There are three cards that are bringing a lot of frustration to many players now:

  • Zilliax: Warriors can get them out by turn 5 and you can’t prevent it from dying at least once and then they endlessly revive them. I mean after you have killed them 12 times it really gets frustrating. A solution would be to change Hyrdration Station to “revive 3 different minions” - that way it would not always be 3 Zilliax.

  • Lamplighter: This is frustrating because it can’t really be countered effective. You can’t stop them from playing 10 elementals and then it becomes a One Turn Kill. This could be solved either by: Do the Damage only to minions (not heroes) or by limiting the damage to 6.

  • Incindius: Here we have the same problem, it can’t be counted. Oncy they combine Shudderblock and Incindius it does 30 damage to minions and heroes. This could be solved by the erruptions not hitting the hero (as the tooltipp for Shudderblock would suggest)

A different solution to many problems in the game would be to increase heroes HP to 50. Cards are getting more and more powerful every expansion but heroes stay the same. Increasing the HP would prevent many annoying One Turn Kill Combos. Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem with aggro decks and the like - I just hate it sooo much when I get killed by something I can’t counter in some way.


your alternative solution just kills aggro decks entirely. they will never be able to finish before the oponent gets their powerful cards online.
we are at a point where the powerlevels are so high, that every single deck feels like an uninteractive broken piece of doodoo. only after reducing the power of every single class, some more than others, can we return to a hearthstone that is both fun and interactive. your first three suggestions would do nicely with that.

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As I said, my problem is not aggro decks, it is decks that have mechanics that can’t be countered, especially One Turn Kill combos. If you find a way to reduce those then I am happy.

What do you mean by interactive and uninteracitve? For me as a death knight most games feel like 4-dimensional-chess (which I like).

can you name an aggro deck that ‘counters’ zilliax? and while you are at it, please name one more.
i play hunter and its an instant-concede for me once its played. its a 16 heal the hunter cant make up again.

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Bold of you to presume to speak on “the meta” for every single format across every single bracket on every single region during every single time zone. I had absolutely no idea the meta in Wild Casual at 3 AM in China was “Zilliax vs Counter Zilliax.”

A voice of reason! How refreshing.

All 3 of those are frustrating. But you know what else is frustrating? Just missing the yellow and being “first in line” at the red light for another cycle. Interestingly enough, life still goes on.

This would make HS more in line with “serious” CCG’s, but it also would kill HS’s identity. If people wanted to stream, and/or watch, MTG they would already be doing that. Nobody comes and stays with HS if they’re expecting anything other than random screen asploding wackiness.

Use an aggro deck. Literally, if you win by turn 5, or otherwise put enough pressure such that they HAVE to spend their Lamp on a measly 5 damage to a THREAT as opposed to your FACE, you’ll never lose to Lamp. Ditto Reno, ditto literally any other win-con requiring more than 5 turns’ worth of mana.

“Aggro” doesn’t counter Zilliax. Aggro is a meta deck type counters the “long win con” deck types that uses Zilliax as a predominate, if not solitary, threat. You don’t run that pirate rush demon hunter thing expecting to win AGAINST Zilliax. You run it expecting to win BEFORE they get to PLAY Zilliax.

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I have an Amalgam hunter deck that have no problem with zilliax, just kill them over the heal and poison
I played the amalgam 3 times on one turn to kill them
Other time i played a 38dmg amalgam that kill them over the 4 heal
Is not agroo, but works, Also work vs druid, mage no so much


I mentioned 3 classes that can easily beat the warrior deck.

Spell mage does a fairly good job. Druids Seabreeze decks works really well against it. Flood paladin/hand buff paladin works really well against it.

It’s not difficult to figure this out. If you look at HS replay, all three of these classes are performing better than warrior.

And honestly, the best way to find out how to counter the deck, is to play it. You will eventually see what the deck struggles with and have a better idea how to work around it.


Combo decks have become a massive problem because it’s so easy to “discover” what you need for said combo now. They used to rely heavily on card draw to cycle through your deck. Discover has killed Hearthstone more than any other mechanic in my opinion, you can’t play around anything now days.