~80% of games have been Bots since i started playing again

I recently started playing HS again, i first started playing after Un’goro and played pretty consistently, all the way until Barrens/Alterac Valley.
I picked the game back up when Blizzard sent me a notification for 80 free packs for rejoining old players, i took that deal because that’s an easy deal right there, but a huge problem im having is i can’t actually play against any other players.
You can tell someone is a bot if they have 1 of 2 types of names and their play style.

Players that have a name along the lines of “OilyEagle” “ToastedGrass” “OrangeBuster” which COULD be real players using the automated blizzard name system, but that’s dis-proven when you examine how they play, they don’t communicate with emotes (might have a script for ‘Greeting’ at the start), they don’t look at cards in their hand, they just play them, and they will make illogical plays sometimes using the new card set. (Will play a Titan, won’t use his abilities, Will play cards in incorrect order, Won’t attack with a minion that can now attack due to conditions, etc.)
Another way to distinguish them is by “adsfsa” “adfssfa” “fasffsa” “asfsfsda” type names, no cardback and using basic neutral set deck. Usually these bots are all confined to the lower ladder, but now they’re creeping into Silver/Gold ranked play, and it’s hard to learn the new decks when im fighting a bot every game, and every game against a player ends by turn 5 with them spamming out a 9/9 ghoul and 14/14 Edwin.


Those are blizzard bots, they appear mostly on lower ranks. Once you go up you dont see them so often anymore.

What is the purpose of adding bots to the game? I can’t properly test my deck out against competing decks because of the fact that the lower ladder is filled with bots. As soon as i get to Gold, i’,m fighting real people with real meta-decks and critical thinking skills. It’s not very smart decision, if they are actual blizz-bots.

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It’s probably to decrease queue times. We are getting near the end of the month and there must not exist many players on lower ranks right now.
If not that, it’s to avoid new players to give up the game after losing match after match at the beginning.

For some reason, I hear a sinister chuckle that sounds very Pachino-ish.

Spot on about the bots though!

Bots are all the way up to legend. No way toescape them.

To try and hide how many players they have driven from the game.

they added them in response to the complains about players att apprentice and silver ranks facing players with fullly optimized decks

once they added the bots these complains stopped(i noticed people stopped recommending to tank mmr at the end of the season to find easier opponents at the beginning of the next one too )

propaganda line up to this point:

“would you rather have insane que times, or company bots”

response to which is: “wow, they really have a low player count these days!”

new propaganda line: “well, errr, uh…you see…it was really about optimized decks at lower ranks. There were TONS of complaints. Trust us, because neither we nor the company have EVER lied. EVER.”

And it will shift once again.

are you claiming all the complains about facing optimized decks at low ranks weve seen here and on reddit were all made by blizzard ?

people been lying about the queue times getting shorter after bots were added

anyone whos been playing before and after the bots were added can tell the queue times are still the same

if they did it to shorten queue times then why didnt we notice any changes ?

that you can’t read a post and keep going on random tangents…yes.

But propaganda distracting from the truth has been a thing for companies and governments since they were a thing. Bonus when they get certain people (or now bots) posting them for free.

Except we still remember the whole “actiblizz bots save you time in ques!” nonsense.

I’m close to legend and all I get in diamond over in eu are bots , what do you mean

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