8 mek roges in a row now. Is this the top buld?

Did everyone start play8ing meck roges because it is unbeatable?



Why are you flooding the forums with the same exact topic??

I’ve been tracking my games too. 25% of my matches are against mech rogues. Very fast and consistent deck. i had to tweak my DK deck significantly to deal with it.

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Madam, why do you care?
If you have nothing constructive to say when you reply then buzz off.

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My reply was pretty constructive, but I can go into grand detail:

You have, what, FIVE posts regarding the same exact thing: mech rogue all in one day. Why are you not putting these into one, single thread?

Per the topic: IF you know you’re going to face mech rogue, why don’t you just play a counter to mech rogue?

All my questions of observations were different, that is why they are in different threads.
Also 90% of all my matches are robot roges that is the only topic I would have to post about.


They could be consolidated to one topic

All I’m saying

Mech Rogue decks have EXPLODED onto the meta and is requiring a lot of deck changes to deal with it.

they’re bot accounts

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